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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 697 COCA: 752
noun /saɪz/
  1. 1
    [C/U] how large or small something is 大小;尺寸;规模
    size of :

    an engine size of 2000 cc 排气量为2,000 cc的发动机

    Moscow's metro system is less than half the size of New York's. 莫斯科的地铁系统不及纽约市的一半大。

    reduce/increase the size of something :

    The president has promised to reduce the size of the army. 总统已经许诺说要裁军。

    in size :

    After six months the tumour had doubled in size. 6个月后肿瘤长大了一倍。

    cut something to size :

    The boards should be cut to size and nailed into place. 这些木板要裁成一定大小,然后钉起来。

    full size (=as large as something will ever be) 最大尺寸 :

    The plants should reach full size in about four years. 这些植物在大约 4 年后应该能完全长成。

    all shapes and sizes (=many different types or forms) 各种类型或形状 :

    Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. 美有各种形式。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for size: size, measurement, magnitude...
  2. 2
    [C] one of a series of standard measurements according to which goods are made or sold 尺码;号

    What size shoes do you take? 你穿多大号的鞋?

    a larger/smaller size :

    Do you have this skirt in a larger size? 这条裙子有没有大一码的?

    size 8/10/12 etc :

    This dress is a size 12. 这件连衣裙是12号的。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [U] the fact that something is very large 大;巨大

    The sheer size of the organization makes communication difficult. 该机构规模庞大,仅仅这一点就造成了沟通困难。

     Synonyms and related words
    Large size: size, scale, bulk...
  4. 4
    [U] a type of glue used for making paper or cloth become stiff and shiny (使纸张、布料坚挺且光亮的)浆料,涂料
     Synonyms and related words
See also
verb [T] /saɪz/
present tense
present participlesizing
past tensesized
past participlesized
  1. 1
    to put things into groups according to their size 依大小分类(或排列)
     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    to make something a particular size 按一定大小制作
     Synonyms and related words
    To make something smaller: reduce, thin, compact...
     Synonyms and related words
    To make something larger: enlarge, maximize, scale up...
  3. 3
    to apply size to the surface of cloth or paper 给…上浆;给…上涂料
     Synonyms and related words

phrasal verbs

IELTS BNC: 697 COCA: 752


1how big or small sth is大小ADJECTIVE | VERB + SIZE | SIZE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, enormous, fair, good, great, impressive, large, massive, substantial, vast相當大的尺寸;巨大的規模;驚人的規模The kitchen is a fair size.這廚房挺大的。The vast size of the country made it difficult to govern.這個國家面積很大,難以管理。compact, diminutive, limited, modest, small緊湊的規模;小規模;有限的尺寸;不太大的尺寸;小尺寸The unit's compact size makes it an ideal travel companion.這一裝置體積小,非常適合旅行攜帶。The dog's diminutive size is attractive to many people.這種小體型犬吸引了許多人。reduced縮減後的規模the reduced size of the show演出的精簡版increased增加了的規模increasing不斷增加的規模average, mean, medium平均規模;中等大小moderate, reasonable, sufficient適中的規模;合理的大小;足夠的尺寸overall, total總體大小;總的尺寸sheer完全憑大小The sheer size of these dinosaurs was their main weapon.這些恐龍主要憑碩大的體型來禦敵。appropriate, convenient, handy, manageable適當的/方便的/便利的/易處理的尺寸The ladder is a handy size for using in the house.這架梯子在房子裏用大小正合適。classes of manageable size規模適中宜於管理的班級optimal, optimum, perfect最優尺寸;最佳規模;理想尺寸correct, right正確的尺寸wrong錯誤的尺寸comparable, equal, equivalent, similar類似的尺寸;相同的大小;相當的大小relative相對規模The relative size of the middle class has been steadily shrinking.中產階級的相對規模正逐步縮小。normal, standard, uniform正常/標準/統一尺寸Her knee swelled to twice its normal size.她的膝蓋腫成了原來的兩倍大。The standard size for the tiles is 12 inches.這種瓷磚的標準尺寸是 12 英寸。varying不同的規模windows of varying sizes不同尺寸的窗戶maximum, minimum最大/最小尺寸The fish grow to a maximum size of 50 cm.這種魚最長可達 50 厘米。actual, full, life實際大小;與實物一樣的大小The ring is shown actual size in the illustration.插圖中的戒指與實物大小相同。a life-size model of a Roman soldier真人大小的羅馬士兵模型adult成年尺寸Only a limited number of the fish will grow to reach adult size.這種魚只有少數能生長到成魚尺寸。class, family, group, household, market, population, sample班級人數;家庭大小;小組大小;市場規模;人口數量;樣本大小a model with constant population size人口數量不變時的模型portion, serving (NAmE) 一份食物的量The larger the serving size, the more you're likely to eat.一份食物的量越大,吃得就越多。physical實體尺寸body, brain, etc.體格大小、腦容量等He eats a lot in proportion to his body size.相對於體格來說,他飯量挺大。screen, window紗窗/窗戶尺寸VERB + SIZEadjust, change, control調整/改變/控制規模expand, increase擴大/增加規模limit限制規模decrease, reduce, shrink減小規模;減少數量;縮減規模The company is reducing the size of its workforce.該公司正在減員。to shrink the size of government縮減政府規模double, treble, triple規模加倍;大小是原來的三倍She has almost doubled the size of her investments.她的投資規模幾乎翻了一番。determine決定規模A city's size is determined by the extent of its market area.一座城市的規模由其市場的大小決定。match與規模相當attain, grow to, reach達到⋯規模;增加到⋯尺寸estimate, guess, guess at估計大小I had to guess at the size of the batteries.我不得不估計一下電池是幾號的。overestimate, underestimate高估/低估大小calculate, determine, measure計算/確定/測量尺寸compare比較規模SIZE + VERBgrow, increase規模擴大/增加decline, decrease, fall規模減小range from... to...大小在⋯到⋯之間vary規模不同The size of her audience varied.她的觀眾時多時少。allow sth, allow for sth規模使⋯成為可能Their smaller size allowed for greater acceleration.它們尺寸較小,有利於更快加速。PREPOSITIONfrom the size of從規模來看From the size of the crowds outside, it was a very good movie.從聚在外面的人群看,這部電影應該很精彩。in size在尺寸上How do the samples compare in size?這些抽樣的樣本數有什麼不同?The city has doubled in size in the last twenty years.在過去的 20 年中,這座城市的規模擴大了一倍。These insects range in size from one to two inches.這些昆蟲大小從 1 到 2 英寸不等。Houses increase in size as you travel further from the city.離市區越遠,房子越大。in the size of在規模方面the increase in the size of the population人口數量的增加PHRASESgiven the size of sth鑒於⋯的規模Given the size of the task, he won't have time to do anything else.考慮到任務量大,他恐怕無暇顧及其他事情。half the size of sth, two, three, etc. times the size of sth⋯大小的一半/兩倍/三倍等Their house is twice the size of ours.他們的房子是我們的兩倍大。relative to sb's/sth's size相對於⋯的規模Their weight is small relative to their size.相對於體積來說,它們的重量太輕了。shapes and sizes, sizes and shapes (often figurative) 形形色色Our customers come in all shapes and sizes.我們客戶的體型和身材大小各不相同。size and scope規模和範圍Their website has grown in size and scope.他們網站的規模和範圍都有所擴大。


2one of a number of fixed measurements尺碼ADJECTIVE | ... OF SIZES | VERB + SIZE | SIZE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge, medium, small大號;中號;小號The company is now going to make these products in larger sizes.現在公司要把這些產品做得尺碼更大。various不同的號碼Brushes come in various sizes.毛刷有不同的號。two-gallon, four-pound, etc.兩加侖裝、四磅裝等The half-gallon size comes in a metal can.半加侖裝的是金屬罐。imperial, metric英制/公制尺碼New radiators come in metric sizes.新散熱器的尺碼是公制。adult, children's, men's, women's成人/兒童/男士/女士尺碼bust, chest, etc.胸圍等XL fits chest sizes 44 to 50.XL 號適合 44 到 50 的胸圍。bra, collar, shoe胸罩尺寸;領圍;鞋碼font字號I changed the font size on the document.我更改了文件的字號。... OF SIZESrange, variety不同的尺碼VERB + SIZEbe, take, wear是⋯尺碼;穿⋯尺碼What size are you (= for shoes or clothes)?你穿多大號?What size do you take?你穿多大尺碼的?Michael wears size 10 shoes.邁克爾穿 10 號鞋。be available in, come in有⋯的尺寸The bricks come in four sizes.磚分四種尺寸。SIZE + VERBfit sb尺碼適合某人Children's sizes don't fit her any more.兒童尺碼不再適合她了。PREPOSITIONin a/your size⋯尺碼的Does this dress come in a bigger size?這件連衣裙有大一號的嗎?I couldn't find the blouse in my size.這件女襯衫沒有我穿的號。PHRASESbe a size too big, small, etc.尺碼大一號、小一號等The jacket is several sizes too large for him.這件夾克對他而言大了好幾號。size matters尺寸事關緊要In surfing, size matters: big waves are beautiful.衝浪時,浪頭的大小很重要:又高又大的浪頭棒極了。
IELTS BNC: 697 COCA: 752
size noun
size (an area the size of Wales) level (You should have seen the size of their house!)


size ♦︎ measurement ♦︎ area ♦︎ capacity ♦︎ dimension ♦︎ volume ♦︎ bulk ♦︎ extentThese are all words for how large sth is or the amount of space it covers. 这些词均表示某物的大小、面积、体积。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an area / a capacity / a volume of 30 metres / litres, etc.in size / area / capacity / volume / bulk / extentthe exact size / measurements / area / dimensions / extenta large / small size / area / capacity / volumemaximum size / capacity / dimensions / volume / extenttotal size / area / capacity / volume(a) limited size / area / capacity / dimensionsto measure the size / area / dimensions / volume of sthto calculate the size / area / volume of sth size [uncountable, countable] how large a person or thing is 大小;面积;规模It's an area the size of (= the same size as) New Jersey.它的面积有新泽西州那么大。It's similar in size to a tomato.它的大小和西红柿差不多。The facilities are excellent for a town that size.对于如此规模的一个城镇来说,其设施堪称一流。The kitchen is a good size (= not small).这厨房够大的。Dogs come in all shapes and sizes.狗有大有小,体形也各不相同。 measurement [countable, usually plural] the size, length or amount of sth (某物的)尺寸,长度,数量The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84.这间屋子的准确尺寸是长3.20米,宽2.84米。I'll need to take your waist measurement.我需要量一下你的腰围。Do you know your measurements (= the size of parts of your body)?你知道自己的尺寸吗?By making careful measurements of the eclipses, astronomers have made great progress in understanding them.通过对日食、月食的仔细测量,天文学家对此有了更多的了解。 measure


[intransitive, transitive] The main bedroom measures 12ft by 15ft.主卧室宽12英尺,长15英尺。A ship's speed is measured in knots.轮船的速度以节来测量。This is a special device that measures the level of radiation in the atmosphere.这是用于测量大气层中辐射水平的一种专用仪器。
area [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the amount of space covered by a flat surface or piece of land, described as a measurement 面积How do you work out the area of a right-angled triangle?怎样计算直角三角形的面积?The room is 12 square metres in area.这个房间面积为12平方米。The country has a total area of around a million square miles.这个国家总面积大约为100万平方英里。 capacity [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the number of people or things that a container or space can hold 容量;容积;容纳能力The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000.这个剧院可容纳2 000名观众。The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 litres.这个油箱的容量为50升。a hard disk storage capacity of 500 megabytes500兆的硬盘存储容量The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full).大厅里座无虚席。They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats).他们给坐满全场的观众表演。 dimension daɪˈmenʃn, dɪˈmenʃn [countable, usually plural] a measurement in space, for example the height, width or length of sth (构成空间的)维(如长、宽、高);尺寸We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.我们测量了厨房的大小。The images can be viewed in three dimensions using these special glasses.用这种特制眼镜观看这些图像可以得到立体效果。 volume [uncountable, countable] the amount of space that an object or substance fills; the amount of space that a container has 体积;容积;容量How do you measure the volume of a gas?怎样计量气体的体积呢?What volume of water would be needed to fill the aquarium?装满这个鱼缸需要多少立方的水?In the experiment, lighted candles were put under jars of different volumes.实验中,用不同容量的罐子把一些点燃的蜡烛扣住。 bulk [uncountable] the large size or quantity of sth (大的)体积,量Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.尽管这辆汽车又大又重,速度却非常快。A charge of £2.50 per copy is made for bulk orders (= for a large number of similar items).大批量的订单收费为每册2.50英镑。It's cheaper to buy in bulk.批发购买会便宜些。 extent [uncountable] the physical size of an area 大小;面积;范围You can't see the full extent of the beach from here.从这儿看不到海滩的全貌。The island is 300 square kilometres in extent.这个岛面积为300平方公里。 see also extend lead verb 3

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