[U]musica type of music that developed in the 1970s from rock and roll, consisting of simple tunesplayed quickly and loudly on electronic instruments and words that often express anger against society 朋克摇滚乐(20世纪70年代时由摇滚乐发展而来的一种音乐,由用电子乐器高声快速弹奏的简单曲调和常表达对社会不满的歌词组成)
[C]a young person who likes punk music, and who often has brightly-coloured hair, and wears torn clothing with a lot of chains and pins朋克摇滚乐迷(指爱好朋克音乐的年轻人,头发颜色鲜艳、常穿着带有饰链和饰钉的破烂衣服)