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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To be in charge
verb [T] /kənˈtrəʊl/
to have the power to make decisions and decide what will happen to something 控制;管理

Most of the news media were controlled by the central government. 多数新闻媒体都是由中央政府控制的。

a property company that controls assets worth £650 million 管理着6.5亿英镑资产的房地产公司

A rebel army was now controlling the northern half of the country. 一支叛军正控制着该国的北半部。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /ˈɡʌvə(r)n/
[I/T] to control and manage an area, city, or country and its people 治理;统治;执政

The region is now governed by Morocco. 这一地区现在由摩洛哥统治。

The party will not be able to govern alone. 这个政党不能单独执政。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
[T] to control the way that an organization such as a business or society operates 管理;制约

The company is governed by strict environmental regulations. 这个公司被严格的环保规定制约着。

rules governing union elections 管理联邦选举的规章

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
watch over
phrasal verb [T]
[watch over someone/something] to guard, protect, or be in charge of someone or something 守护;保护;看管

Soldiers arrived to watch over the city and maintain peace. 士兵们赶来守护这座城市并维持治安。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
 Synonyms and related words
verb /kəˈmɑːnd/
[T] to be the leader of a group of people, especially in the armed forces (尤指在军队里)率领,指挥

The platoon was commanded by Lt. John F. Williams. 这个排由约翰·F.威廉姆斯中尉指挥。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
to be in charge of an activity that involves a group of people, especially in the armed forces (尤指在部队中)负责

Lovell commanded the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. 洛弗尔负责阿波罗13号的登月飞行任务。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [I/T] /ˈsuːpə(r)vaɪz/
to be in charge of a person or group of people and to check that they are behaving or working correctly 监督,指导,主管(人)

Mary supervises two PhD students. 玛丽负责指导两名博士生。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
to be in charge of an activity or a place and to check that things are done correctly 监督,指导,主管(活动或地方)

His job was to supervise the loading of the ship. 他的工作是监督装船。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
look after
phrasal verb [T]
[look after something] to be responsible for something 承担责任

an organization that looks after the interests of artists 负责维护艺术家的利益的机构

Who's looking after the department while you're away? 你外出时谁负责该部门?

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /ˈmænɪdʒ/
[T] to organize and control the work of a company, organization, or group of people 管理;经营

He manages the family business. 他管理家族企业。

Smith says he wants to manage the football team next year. 史密斯说他明年想接管那支足球队。

a well-managed restaurant 经营有方的饭店

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
 Synonyms and related words
to organize and control the way that an area of land is used 打理(一块地的使用)

These areas of woodland are being carefully managed. 这些林地受到细心的打理。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /liːd/
[T] to be in control of an organization, group of people, or activity 领导;率领;指挥;带领

She led the software development team during the project. 她在该项目进行过程中领导软件开发小组。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
[I/T] to be in control of the way in which a discussion or conversation develops 引导,主持(讨论或交谈)

I asked Ned to lead the discussion. 我叫内德来主持这次讨论。

lead something away from something :

She kept trying to lead the conversation away from personal matters. 她一直设法使交谈避开私人话题。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /hed/



head up

[T] to be in control of a group or an organization 担任(…的)主管;领导

Lord Justice Scott will head the inquiry. 法官斯科特大人将担任这个调查组的负责人。

You will work with the management team headed by Miles Broughton. 你将与以迈尔斯·布劳顿为首的管理团队一起工作。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /rʌn/
[T] to control and organize something such as a business, organization, or event 组织;控制;开办

Sue's been running a mail-order business for ten years. 休经营邮购业务已经10年了。

run a campaign :

He was the man who ran Clinton's election campaign. 他就是克林顿竞选活动的组织者。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
More Synonyms
verb [T] /ədˈmɪnɪstə(r)/




to be responsible for making certain that something is done according to the rules 执行;治理

We do our best to see that justice is administered fairly. 我们竭尽全力确保正义得到伸张。

It takes a lot of time to prepare, administer, and mark the tests. 要花很多时间来准备和实施考试,以及批改试卷。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
  • to have or gain power or influence over another person, group etc 占优势的;支配的

    The Left is now in the ascendant.

     Synonyms and related words
    To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
be in the driving seat
to be the person who is controlling a situation 掌控局面;处于主管地位

In this company, women are in the driving seat.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
be in the saddle
informal to have control of something 掌权;在位

I'd like to assure people the government is firmly in the saddle. 我想向人们保证政府正牢牢地控制着权力。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] /bjʊəˈrɒkrətaɪz/
to run a state or an organization in a way that relies heavily on bureaucratic processes

The revolution gave birth to a highly centralized and bureaucratized party state.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge:control, govern, watch over...
call the tune/shots
phrase informal
to be in a position of control or authority 操纵;掌权
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] /tʃeə(r)/
to be the person in charge of a meeting, committee, or company 担任…的主持人;担任…的主席;担任…的总裁

She subsequently chaired the executive board of the UN Children's Fund. 她随后担任了联合国儿童基金理事会的主席。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
 Synonyms and related words
verb /frʌnt/
[T] to be the leader or main representative of a group 领导;代表

a financial consortium fronted by Charles Villiers 以查尔斯·维利尔斯为代表的财团

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] /ɡaɪd/
to try to make a situation or an organization develop in a particular way 规范;指导

a code that attempts to guide the behaviour of officials 旨在规范官员行为的准则

guide something towards something :

Harry tried to guide the conversation towards the subject of money. 哈里试图把谈话引向钱的话题。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
have/get the jump on someone
phrase informal
to be in a stronger position than someone else 胜过某人;优于某人

The Japanese, once again, may be embarrassing the US manufacturers by getting the jump on them.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
have someone in the palm of your hand
to have complete power over someone so that they do what you tell them to do 完全控制某人;完全掌握某人

He had the audience in the palm of his hand. 他完全把观众控制住了。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
have someone in your pocket
to have power over someone in a position of authority 掌控着某人
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
have someone just where you want them
used for saying you are happy with the situation that someone is in because it gives you power over them, or will help you to get something that you want from them 某人现在的情况正是我想要的(用于表示对某人的现状很满意,因为这样自己才对他们有支配力或者能从他们那里得到自己想要的)

We've got our rivals just where we want them.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
hold sway
phrase formal
to control an area 控制(某个区域)

Rebel forces still hold sway in the northern parts of the country. 叛军仍然控制着这个国家的北部地区。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] showing disapproval /ˈmaɪkrəʊˌmænɪdʒ/
to control every part of a business or system in a way that is not necessary or useful 微观管理;微观控制
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] [often passive] informal /mɒd/
to remove someone's comment from a website because it does not comply with the site's standards. Mod is short for moderate.

Why does every single comment I post get modded?

This meaning is based on one submitted to the Open Dictionary from United Kingdom on 08/03/2013
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /ˈmɒdəreɪt/
[T] to be in charge of a discussion between people with different opinions, especially in order to make it fair to everyone involved (尤指为公平起见)主持(讨论)
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [I] /priˈzaɪd/
to be in charge of an official meeting, ceremony, or other event 主持;主管

These committees are usually presided over by a senior judge. 这些委员会通常由一位资深法官领导。

The priest is often invited to preside at the reception. 牧师常被邀请来主持欢迎会。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
 Synonyms and related words
preside over
phrasal verb [T]
[preside over something] to be in a position of power while important changes or events are happening 掌管;领导

He presided over the worst season in the team's history. 他曾经在该队历史上表现最差的赛季中当过领队。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
pull the strings
if someone is pulling the strings, they are controlling a situation and the people in it, especially secretly 暗中操纵;暗中掌控

It's the record company, not the band, that is really pulling the strings.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
rule someone/something with a rod of iron
to control someone or something in a very strict way 对某人/某物实行高压(或铁腕)统治

She ruled that school with a rod of iron.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
rule the roost
to control a place, situation, or activity 主宰一切;支配一切

Ultimately, men still rule the roost and make more money.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
run a tight ship
to control something such as an organization or institution in a very strict and effective way 严格有效地管理
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] /ˈspɪə(r)ˌhed/
to lead an organized effort or activity 为…带头;当…的先锋
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /stɪə(r)/
[T] to influence the way that something happens or the way that people behave 引导;影响
steer someone/something towards something :

I try to steer my children towards healthier foods. 我试图引导我的孩子吃比较健康的食物。

steer something away from/towards/through something :

He steered the country through a transitional period to elections. 他领导国家走过选举前的过渡阶段。

steer the conversation :

Ruth attempted to steer the conversation well away from work. 鲁思试图使谈话的内容远离工作。

steer someone to victory (=help someone win) 帮助某人取得成功 :

The single goal was enough to steer the club to victory. 仅此一球足以帮助该俱乐部赢得胜利。

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] formal /ˌsuːpərɪnˈtend/
to be in charge of an activity or job and to check that it is done correctly 主管;监督;指导
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
take someone in hand
to start controlling someone who has been behaving badly 控制某人;调教某人

If anyone caused any trouble, the local policeman took them in hand.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
wear the trousers
phrase informal
to be the person in a relationship who has the most control and makes most of the decisions 掌权;做主

Who wears the trousers in your house?

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb [T] /wiːld/
to have and be able to use power or influence 持有,运用(权力);施加(影响)

The organization wielded enormous political power.

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
be in the driver's seat
to be the person who is controlling a situation 掌控局面;处于主管地位
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
call the shots/tune
phrase informal
to be in a position of control or authority 操纵;掌权
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
verb /ˈkwɔrtərˌbæk/
[T] American informal to control or organize something
 Synonyms and related words
To make plans or arrangements: plan, arrange, organize...
 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...
wear the pants
phrase informal
to be the person in a relationship who has the most control and makes most of the decisions 掌权;做主

Who wears the pants in your house?

 Synonyms and related words
To be in charge: control, govern, watch over...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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