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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1304 COCA: 1449


ADJECTIVE | ... OF WINE | VERB + WINE | WINE + VERB | WINE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEred, white紅葡萄酒;白葡萄酒fizzy, sparkling有汽的葡萄酒;汽酒dry無甜味葡萄酒sweet甜葡萄酒light低度葡萄酒He served a light white wine with the lunch.他和午飯一起端上來了低度的白葡萄酒。full-bodied, heady, strong濃郁的/容易上頭的/烈性葡萄酒fruity味醇的葡萄酒sour帶酸味的葡萄酒a cheap sour wine帶酸味的廉價葡萄酒mature, young陳酒;新酒The younger wines will be mature after about three years.新釀的葡萄酒約 3 年之後就會成陳釀。new, old新葡萄酒;陳葡萄酒some new wines from South Africa一些產自南非的新葡萄酒excellent, expensive, fine, good, great, quality, vintage頂好的葡萄酒;昂貴的葡萄酒;上等葡萄酒;佳釀;高品質葡萄酒;(特定年份)優質葡萄酒cheap, table便宜/佐餐葡萄酒house招牌酒The restaurant's house wines are Australian.這家餐館的特選葡萄酒是澳大利亞產的。dessert餐末甜酒fortified加度葡萄酒fortified wines such as port and sherry波爾圖酒和雪利酒一類的加度葡萄酒mulled, spiced香甜的熱葡萄酒;加香葡萄酒chilled冰鎮的葡萄酒chilled white wine冰鎮白葡萄酒dandelion, elderberry, rice, etc.蒲公英酒、接骨木果酒、米酒等... OF WINEdrop (especially BrE) 一點兒葡萄酒Would you like another drop of wine?要再來點兒葡萄酒嗎?bottle, carafe, decanter, glass一瓶葡萄酒;一杯葡萄酒VERB + WINEdrink喝葡萄酒Do you drink wine?你喝葡萄酒嗎?have喝葡萄酒I'll have some wine, please.請給我來點兒葡萄酒。taste品嚐葡萄酒He went to Chile to taste wines.他去智利品嚐葡萄酒。sip, take a sip of啜一點兒葡萄酒She took a sip of her wine.她抿了一點兒葡萄酒。gulp, gulp down, swig大口吞飲葡萄酒take a gulp of, take a swig of喝一大口葡萄酒pour (sb)(為某人)倒葡萄酒The waiter went around pouring the wine.服務生走來走去給人們倒葡萄酒。make, produce釀造/生產葡萄酒The winery has been making wine for 25 years.這個葡萄酒廠生產葡萄酒已有 25 年了。About 60% of Australia's wine is produced in South Australia.澳大利亞大約 60% 的葡萄酒產自南澳大利亞州。age, mature使葡萄酒陳化/發酵wine aged in the bottle在瓶中陳化的葡萄酒chill冷藏葡萄酒order, serve點葡萄酒;上葡萄酒ply sb with向某人勸酒They always ply their clients with wine before getting down to business.他們在正式談生意之前總是先請客戶喝酒。WINE + VERBflow (figurative) 葡萄酒大量供應The wine flowed freely at the party.聚會上大量供應免費葡萄酒。go to your head葡萄酒上頭The wine had gone to his head and he was starting to talk rubbish.他喝葡萄酒上了頭,開始胡說八道。breathe葡萄酒通氣飄香Open the wine an hour before the meal to let it breathe.飯前一個小時打開酒瓶讓葡萄酒通一下氣。be corked葡萄酒有軟木塞堵着age, mature葡萄酒變陳/熟化WINE + NOUNbottle, glass葡萄酒酒瓶/酒杯cooler (= for cooling wine) 冰酒器list, selection(餐館的)酒品單The restaurant has an extensive wine list.這家餐館酒的品種很多。rack酒瓶架I took another bottle from the wine rack.我從酒架上又拿了一瓶葡萄酒。cellar酒窖bar酒吧shop, store (especially NAmE) 酒店cooler (= a drink) (NAmE) , spritzer冰鎮果酒飲料;汽酒vinegar葡萄酒醋Add two tablespoons of white wine vinegar.加入兩勺白葡萄酒醋。grape釀酒用葡萄Red wine grapes grow well here.這兒的釀酒用紅葡萄長勢很好。tasting品酒We hold occasional wine-tasting sessions.我們不時舉辦葡萄酒品酒會。drinker喝葡萄酒者grower, growing種葡萄兼釀葡萄酒者;葡萄種植和葡萄酒釀造業a wine-growing region葡萄種植和葡萄酒釀造業地區distributor, importer, merchant (especially BrE) 葡萄酒經銷商/進口商/貿易商sales葡萄酒銷售business, industry葡萄酒業country, region生產葡萄酒的地區;葡萄酒產地a farm at the edge of northern California's wine country位於加利福尼亞州北部葡萄酒產區邊緣的農場PHRASESwine (sold) by the glass按杯賣的葡萄酒A good selection of wine by the glass was on offer.供應各種按杯賣的精選葡萄酒。

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