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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 404 COCA: 422
verb /riːtʃ/
present tense
present participlereaching
past tensereached
past participlereached
  1. 1
    [T] to arrive somewhere 到达;抵达

    We hoped to reach the camp before dark. 我们希望在天黑之前到达露营地。

    When she reached the top of the stairs her heart was pounding. 当她到达楼梯顶部的时候,她的心怦怦直跳。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] if something reaches someone, they receive it after it has been sent to them (某物)到达(某人那里)

      News reached him that his wife and child were safe. 他得到消息,他的妻子和孩子都安然无恙。

      The money should reach your bank account within three working days. 钱在3个工作日内就会存到你的银行账户上。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      [T] to get to a particular point in time or a particular stage in a process 达到(一个特定的时间或阶段)

      You reach a point where medicine can't help. 你的病已到了无药可医的地步。

      The children have reached the age when they want more privacy. 孩子们已经到了想要有更多隐私的年龄。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      [T] to get as high as a particular level or amount 达到(特定的水平或数量)

      Temperatures here can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit. 这里的气温能高达120华氏度。

       Synonyms and related words
    4. d.
      [I] to be long enough or large enough to get to a particular point 伸展;延伸
      reach to :

      Her blond hair reaches to her waist. 她的金发长至腰际。

      reach as far as :

      They own land that reaches as far as the border. 他们自己的土地一直延伸到边界。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [I] to move your hand, arm, leg etc towards something that you are trying to touch or pick up 伸手触(或拿)
    reach for :

    He turned round and reached for the phone. 他转过身,伸手拿电话。

    reach into :

    Travis reached into his pocket to get his car keys. 特拉维斯把手伸进口袋去拿汽车钥匙。

    reach across :

    I reached across the table and took Alice's hand. 我把手伸过桌子,握住了艾丽斯的手。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [I/T] to manage to touch something or pick it up by stretching out your hand, arm, leg etc 伸手去取;伸手够

      She had to stand on a chair to reach the switch. 她得站在椅子上才能按到开关。

      We keep the bottles up here so the children can't reach them. 我们把瓶子放在这儿,孩子们就够不着了。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] to achieve something after discussing it or thinking about it for a long time (经讨论或思考后)达成,实现
    reach (an) agreement :

    An agreement was finally reached last night. 昨晚终于达成了一个协议。

    reach a decision/conclusion/compromise :

    Ministers must reach a decision before next month. 部长们必须在下个月前作出决定。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] if something such as a programme or message reaches people, they see it or hear it (节目、消息)让(人)听到(或看到)

    The advertisement reached an audience of over 19 million. 1,900多万人都看到了这则广告。

    Our political message is still not reaching enough people. 还要让更多的人知晓我们的政治讯息。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to succeed in talking to someone by telephone or radio (通过电话、电波)联系到(某人)

    I'll leave you a number where I can be reached in an emergency. 我留给你一个电话号码,这样有急事时就可以联系到我。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words relating to telecommunication: connect, connected, connection...

phrasal verbs

See also
noun /riːtʃ/
  1. 1
    [U] the distance within which you can touch something or pick it up by stretching out your hand, arm, leg etc 伸手(或腿等)可及的距离
    within reach :

    Position the shelves so that the books are within reach of your desk. 调整好书架的高度以便你坐在书桌旁就可拿到书。

    beyond/out of reach :

    I kicked the knife out of reach. 我把刀踢到了拿不到的地方。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      the distance that you travel to get somewhere 可到达的距离
      within (easy) reach :

      The hotel is within easy reach of the town centre. 宾馆就在离市中心很近的地方。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [singular] the amount of authority or influence that someone or something has 权力;影响力
    within/beyond the reach of someone/something :

    Elizabeth now felt herself to be beyond the reach of the Catholic Church. 伊丽莎白感觉到天主教会已无法对她发号施令。

     Synonyms and related words
    Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...
BNC: 404 COCA: 422


1distance over which you can stretch, travel, etc.距離ADJECTIVE | VERB + REACH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong長臂展Gorillas have a very long reach.大猩猩臂展很長。VERB + REACHhave有⋯範圍PREPOSITIONbeyond (sb/sth's) reach夠不着The latch was just beyond her reach.她夠不着門插銷。in (sb/sth's) reach, within (sb/sth's) reach在⋯可達到的範圍之內The riverbank was almost in reach.河岸幾乎近在咫尺。There was a knife within his reach.他旁邊有一把刀,伸手即可拿到。a beach resort within reach of Bangkok離曼谷很近的一個海邊度假勝地The house is within easy reach of the train station.這房子離火車站很近。out of sb/sth's reach夠不着Keep all medicines out of reach of children.把所有的藥放到孩子們夠不着的地方。PHRASESwithin arm's reach伸手可及I always keep my phone within arm's reach.我總是把手機放在伸手可及的地方。


2power/influence力量;影響ADJECTIVE | VERB + REACH | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEvast, wide廣泛的影響The organization has a wide reach.該組織的影響很廣。global全球性影響The global reach of the Internet has exceeded what anyone could have predicted.因特網在全球的影響力超出了任何人的預測。geographic, geographical地理上的影響The business is looking at ways to extend its geographic reach.該企業正在尋求地域性擴張的途徑。VERB + REACHhave有影響力The company has a worldwide reach.該公司的影響遍及全世界。broaden, expand, extend, increase擴大影響Humans have extended their reach into space.人類已經將活動範圍延伸至太空。limit限制影響As an artist, his reach was not limited to Britain.作為藝術家,他的影響力不僅僅限於英國。PREPOSITIONbeyond (sb/sth's) reach超出(⋯的)影響力He fled abroad, beyond the reach of German prosecutors.他逃到了國外,德國檢察官鞭長莫及。in sb/sth's reach, within sb/sth's reach在⋯的影響範圍之內Our $30 000 target is now well within our reach.我們籌集 3 萬美元的目標現在已十拿九穩。out of sb/sth's reach在⋯的影響範圍之外The price puts it out of the reach of most people.這東西價格太高,令大多數人都望而卻步。


3reaches far place遠處ADJECTIVE | VERB + REACHES | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfar, farthest, furthest遠處;最遠處nether, outer, outermost, upper, uppermost下面的/外面的/最外面的/上面的/最上面的地方the upper reaches of the river河的上游the upper reaches of the music charts (figurative) 音樂排行榜上靠前的部份northern, southern, etc.北邊、南邊等地方northernmost, southernmost, etc.最北邊、最南邊等地方VERB + REACHESexplore探索遠處He dreamed of exploring the outermost reaches of space.他夢想去探索太空最遙遠的地方。PREPOSITIONreach of⋯的遠處the farthest reaches of our universe宇宙最深處


1arrive at a place/condition到達;達到ADVERB | VERB + REACH ADVERBeventually, finally最終/終於抵達easily, quickly輕鬆地/快速達到The cost can easily reach six figures.成本很輕易就會達到 6 位數。almost, nearly幾乎達到The city's population had nearly reached a million by 1920.該城市的人口到 1920 年時幾乎已經達到了 100 萬。barely幾乎沒有到達He had barely reached the door when he collapsed.他還沒到達門口就倒下了。VERB + REACHattempt to, try to試圖達到be expected to, be likely to, expect to預計/很可能/期望達到Profits are expected to reach £2 billion this year.預計今年的利潤將達到 20 億英鎊。be unlikely to不大可能達到be able to能達到be unable to, fail to不能/沒有達到The jury was unable to reach a verdict.陪審團未能作出裁決。


2stretch out your arm to touch/get sth伸手觸及ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBgingerly, hesitantly, tentatively小心地拿;猶猶豫豫地拿slowly慢慢地拿Slowly he reached out and picked up the gun.他慢慢地伸手撿起了槍。automatically, instinctively自然地/本能地伸手拿He instinctively reached for his camera.他本能地伸手去拿相機。blindly摸索地拿She reached blindly for the light switch.她伸手去摸索電燈開關。across, down, forward, out, over伸手過去拿;向下伸手拿;向前伸手拿;伸手去取He reached out gingerly to touch it.他小心翼翼地伸手去摸它。A hand reached down to help her up the ladder.她登梯子時上面有隻手伸過來幫她。PREPOSITIONfor伸手拿She reached for the telephone and picked it up.她伸手拿起了電話。inside伸進⋯裏面I reached inside my pocket for a pen.我把手伸進口袋找鋼筆。into伸進⋯中去He reached into his bag and took out a book.他把手伸進包裏拿出了一本書。


3be able to touch sth夠得着ADVERB | VERB + REACH ADVERBeasily容易夠到She had arranged her desk so that she could reach everything easily.她把書桌擺放在可以使她輕易夠得着所有東西的地方。almost, nearly幾乎碰到Her skirt almost reached the ground.她的裙子幾乎拖到地上了。halfway到一半的地方His hair reached halfway to his waist.他的頭髮長到半腰了。VERB + REACHcan夠得到I can't reach the top shelf.我夠不到架子頂層。
BNC: 404 COCA: 422
reach verb
achieve (reach a target) call2 (You can reach me on this number.) get4 (reach your destination) lead3 (The cable won't reach the socket.)
reach noun

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