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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
adjective, adverb, preposition /ɪn/
In can be used in the following ways: in有以下用法
as a preposition (followed by a noun): 用作介词(后接名词): The children are in the garden. 孩子们在花园里。 They met in 1973. 他们在1973年相遇。
as an adverb (without a following noun): 用作副词(后不接名词): Come in and sit down. 进来坐。
after the verb ‘to be': 用在动词to be 之后: ‘Is Philip in?' ‘No, he's gone out.' “菲利普在家吗?”“不在,他出去了。”
as an adjective: 用作形容词: It was the in thing to do. 那样做是件时髦的事。
  1. 1
    used for showing where someone or something is
    1. a.
      inside a container, room, building, vehicle etc 在(容器、房间、建筑物、车辆等)里

      He had left his passport in his coat pocket. 他把护照忘在外套口袋里了。

      She's downstairs in the sitting room. 她在楼下起居室里。

      If convicted, Goldman faces 20 years in prison. 如果被判有罪,戈德曼将面临20年的监禁。

      There's room for all of us in Dad's car. 爸爸的车能容下我们所有人。

      Have you seen a bag with some tools in? 你看见一个里面装着些工具的包了吗?

       Synonyms and related words
      Inside a place, object or building: inside, indoors, interior...
    2. b.
      within an area, city, or country 在(某个地区、城市或国家)内

      The books are printed in Hong Kong. 这些书是在香港印刷的。

      the largest stadium in the world 世界上最大的体育场

      a picnic in the park 公园里的一次野餐

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
    3. c.
      at home, or at your office 在家;在办公室里

      Most evenings we stay in and watch television. 大多数晚上我们都呆在家里看电视。

      I asked to speak to the manager but he wasn't in. 我要求和经理谈话,但他不在办公室。

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
    4. d.
      within an object, space, or substance 在(某个物体、空间或物质)内部

      We noticed a crack in the wall. 我们注意到墙上有条裂缝。

      the bacteria in our drinking water 在我们饮用水里的细菌

      in the air/in the sky/in space :

      There wasn't a cloud in the sky. 天空万里无云。

      It was the astronauts' first experience of living in space. 这是这些宇航员们的首次太空生活经历。

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
    5. e.
      at a specific part of something 在(某物的特定部分)

      Further details can be found in Section 25. 详情可见第25节。

      in the middle/centre :

      a new department store in the centre of London 在伦敦市中心的一座新百货商场

       Synonyms and related words
      Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
    6. f.
      held or enclosed by something 被…握住的;被…包着的

      What's that you've got in your hand? 你手里拿的是什么?

      They lay together in each other's arms. 他们躺在彼此的臂弯里。

       Synonyms and related words
      Surrounded and surrounding: inside, surrounding, enclosed...
    7. g.
      a ball that is in during a game such as tennis or basketball is within the area of play (球)在界内
       Synonyms and related words
      Tennis: ace, advantage, bagel...
       Synonyms and related words
      Basketball: backboard, basket, basketball...
  2. 2
    into something
    1. a.
      into your home, room, or place of work 到家里;到房间里;到工作场所

      I invited her in for a drink. 我邀请她到家里喝一杯。

    2. b.
      moving into a place or a space 进入

      The door was open so I just walked in. 门开着,我便走了进去。

      The water's very deep – don't fall in! 水很深——别掉进去!

      The guards fired a few shots in the air. 卫兵们朝天开了几枪。

       Synonyms and related words
      Describing movement towards a place or person: direct, advancing, oncoming...
    3. c.
      looking or pointing into something 往里看;向里指

      Look in the top drawer of my desk. 去我书桌的顶层抽屉里看一下。

      The dog stood motionless with its tail sticking straight up in the air. 那只狗一动不动地站着,尾巴直直地翘向空中。

  3. 3
    arriving somewhere
    1. a.
      used for saying that a train, bus, plane, or ship arrives somewhere (火车、公共汽车)进站的,到站的;(飞机、轮船)抵港的,已到达的

      What time does your flight get in? 你的航班几点到达?

      The train from Paddington was just pulling in. 帕丁顿来的列车刚刚进站。

      The ferry won't be in for another hour. 渡轮再过一个小时也到不了。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      arriving at your home or place of work 到家;到工作场所

      What time did you get in last night? 你昨晚几点到家的?

      I'm going to be late, so don't expect me in till after ten. 我会晚些,就别指望我在10点前赶到了。

  4. 4
    used for showing when something happens
    1. a.
      during a particular period, year, month, or season, or during a part of the day 在…期间;在…时候

      Mel Gibson was born in 1956. 梅尔·吉布森生于1956年。

      In winter the lake freezes over. 冬天,湖面全都结冰了。

      Let's meet again in the morning, at around 9.30. 我们早上9点30分左右再见面吧。

      The dance was popular in the 1920s. 这种舞蹈流行于20世纪20年代。

       Synonyms and related words
      During a particular period of time: during, within, throughout...
    2. b.
      at the end of a period of time in the future 在(将来一段时间)之后

      The exams are in six weeks' time. 距考试还有6个星期。

      Wait, I'll be with you in a minute or two. 等一下,还有一两分钟我就可以和你在一起了。

       Synonyms and related words
      After another event or time: after, following, since...
    3. c.
      within a period of time 在(一段时间)之后

      Unemployment has risen by over 15% in the past year. 失业率在去年一年内上升了15%以上。

      In the last few minutes we have received reports of an explosion on board an oil tanker. 过去几分钟里,我们接到了油轮上发生爆炸的报告。

      Ernie had suffered two heart attacks in the space of a week. 厄尼一周内经历了两次心脏病发作。

       Synonyms and related words
    4. d.
      used for saying how long it is since something last happened (用于表示事情自上次发生后过了多久)

      I haven't laughed so much in years. 我好些年没这么开心地笑了。

      It was the president's first public appearance in three months. 这是总统3个月来首次公开露面。

    5. e.
      during the time that someone is involved in something, or is experiencing something 在(某人参与或经历某事件的时期)中

      Owen's brother died in the war. 欧文的兄弟在战争中牺牲了。

      I sometimes look back and think of all the things I've done in my life. 有时我会回头想想我这一生所做过的事。

       Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    used for talking about numbers and amounts
    1. a.
      used for saying how many units of money, weight, measurement etc make up a larger unit (用于表示货币、重量、度量等单位中一个上级单位含有下一级单位的数目)有,包含

      There are 1000 kilograms in a tonne. 一吨相当于1,000公斤。

    2. b.
      used for saying how big groups of people or things are when they do something (用于表示人或物做某事时其群体的大小)以,按照

      Lions often hunt in pairs. 狮子常常成对地出去猎食。

      People began to arrive in twos and threes. 人们开始三三两两地到达。

    3. c.
      used for saying how common something is by showing it as a number in relation to the total number (表示频率)每

      One in twelve of the adult population suffers from stress. 每12个成人中就有一人受到精神紧张的折磨。

    4. d.
      used for saying that a number is within a particular range, especially a temperature, a score, or someone's age (尤指温度、分数或年龄)在(某个范围)内
      in the twenties/fifties/seventies etc :

      a hot summer's day with temperatures in the upper 20s 气温达到二十七八度的一个炎热夏日

      Most students got marks in the seventies or eighties. 大多数学生处于七八十分这个分数段。

      Damage is estimated in the thousands of dollars. 损失估计有好几千美元。

      in your teens/twenties/thirties etc :

      My daughter is in her mid-thirties now. 我女儿现在35岁左右。

    5. e.
      British used for showing something such as a rate of tax (表税率等)每,以,按

      Income tax now stands at 22 pence in the pound. 所得税现为每英镑缴纳22便士。

  6. 6
    used for saying areas of activity
    1. a.
      used for saying what organized activity someone does with other people 参加,加入(有组织的活动)

      Bailey was in the long-distance cycle race. 贝利参加了长途自行车赛。

      Leeds United fans took part in a massive street party. 利兹联队的球迷们参加了一场规模盛大的街头聚会。

    2. b.
      used for saying what type of work someone does 从事

      She's a teacher and her husband works in publishing. 她是一名教师,她丈夫是从事出版行业的。

    3. c.
      used for saying what area of work or activity you are talking about 在…领域

      There have been amazing advances in medical science. 在医学领域已经取得了惊人的进步。

      the crisis in farming 农业危机

    4. d.
      used for saying what subject someone studies 在…学科

      a university degree in economics 经济学的大学文凭

  7. 7
    used for describing a particular state, situation, or relationship
    1. a.
      used for describing the state or condition of someone or something 处于(某种状态或情形)中

      I'm sorry my room's in such a mess. 很抱歉,我的房间乱七八糟的。

      The army retreated in confusion. 军队在混乱中撤退了。

      She wants to travel around the world while she's still in good health. 她想趁身体状况还好的时候环游世界。

    2. b.
      used for saying what the situation is for someone or something 处于…情况

      Kevin is in trouble again. 凯文又有麻烦了。

      Their lives were in danger. 他们有生命危险。

    3. c.
      used for describing the relationship between people and organizations 处于(某种关系)中

      We wanted to get married because we were very much in love. 我们想结婚,因为我们很相爱。

      Are we all in agreement? 我们大家都同意吗?

      The United States will work in co-operation with her allies. 美国将和其盟国合作。

  8. 8
    used for saying what someone is wearing 穿着;戴着

    She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. 她穿着婚纱真漂亮。

    A man in a clown's hat came and sat beside her. 一个戴着小丑帽子的男人过来坐在她身旁。

     Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    used for saying what things change, increase, improve etc 在…方面(有变化、增长、改善等)

    There's going to be a change in the weather. 天气会有变化。

    the recent rise in oil prices 近期油价的上涨

  10. 10
    used for talking about the way something is done
    1. a.
      using a particular method or style 用,按照,以(某种方法或风格)

      We are trying to teach mathematics in a more interesting way. 我们正设法用一种更有趣的方法来教数学。

      The houses are all built in the traditional style. 这些房子都是按照传统风格建造的。

      You have to pay in cash. 你得用现金付账。

    2. b.
      used for describing a particular type of behaviour or way of speaking 以(某种方式行事和说话)

      We all sat in silence. 我们都一声不吭地坐着。

      She called out to me in a loud voice. 她大声地叫我。

      in tears (=crying) 在哭 :

      Some of the children were in tears. 其中的一些孩子在哭。

    3. c.
      using a particular language 使用(某种语言)
      in English/Spanish etc :

      Go on, say something in French. 来吧,用法语说点什么吧。

      There are instructions in eight languages. 有8种语言的说明。

       Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    used for describing ways of writing, drawing, or painting
    1. a.
      used for stating what you use for writing, drawing, or painting 使用…(进行书写或绘画)
      in ink/pencil/chalk/oils etc :

      a short note written in pencil 用铅笔写的便条

      There were artists painting in oils and watercolours. 有用油彩和水彩作画的画家。

    2. b.
      using a particular type or style of writing 以…方式(或风格)书写

      Write your name and address in capital letters. 你的名字和地址要大写。

       Synonyms and related words
  12. 12
    used for saying what group someone or something is part of 属于;在…中

    Kenny's been in the Boy Scouts since he was eight. 肯尼八岁就加入童子军了。

    She has a number of Picasso's paintings in her private collection. 她的私人收藏中有一些毕加索的画作。

  13. 13
    used for describing how things are arranged
    1. a.
      arranged in a way that forms a particular shape or pattern 以…形式(或方式)排列

      We all sat round in a circle. 我们大家坐成了一圈。

      The vines are planted out in straight rows. 葡萄是呈一行行直线种植的。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      arranged according to a particular order 以特定顺序排列

      The names are listed in alphabetical order. 姓名是以字母顺序排列的。

  14. 14
    used for saying what colour decorations, clothes etc are (用于说明装饰、衣服等的颜色)

    The girls were all dressed in white. 女孩子们都穿着白色的衣服。

    Are these curtains available in green? 这些窗帘有绿色的吗?

     Synonyms and related words
  15. 15
    affected by a particular type of weather 在(某种天气)中

    Have you been waiting outside in the rain? 你一直在外面雨中等着吗?

    Flags were fluttering in the breeze. 旗帜在微风中飘扬。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for climate and the weather: weather, climate, spell...
  16. 16
    used for mentioning the book, film etc where someone/something appears
    1. a.
      used for mentioning a story, play, film etc where a character or event appears or happens 在(故事、戏剧、电影等)中

      Mr Micawber is one of the best-loved characters in English literature. 米考伯先生是英国文学中最受欢迎的人物之一。

      The disaster is vividly recalled in James Cameron's film Titanic. 那场灾难在詹姆斯·卡梅伦的电影《泰坦尼克号》中得到了生动的再现。

    2. b.
      used for mentioning a film or play where an actor appears 在(某部电影或戏剧)中

      Debbie Reynolds co-starred with Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain. 戴比·雷诺兹和吉恩·凯利联袂主演了《雨中曲》。

      Who's in the new movie with Brad Pitt? 谁与布拉德·皮特一起出演这部新电影?

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      used for mentioning a book, newspaper etc where you can read or see something 在(书、报纸等)上

      I saw the house advertised in the local paper. 我看见这栋房子在当地报纸上登了广告。

  17. 17
    used for saying what aspect of someone or something you are referring to 在(人或事物的某个)方面上

    She's so selfish in her attitude to other people. 她在待人态度上非常自私。

    The words are similar but there is a difference in meaning. 这些单词很相似,但在意思上有差别。

  18. 18
    written or drawn where something is needed 写入;填入

    Fill in your name and address at the top of the form. 在表格的顶端填上你的姓名和地址。

    I typed in my password and my email address. 我输入了我的密码和电子邮件地址。

    The children were busy colouring in the maps they had drawn. 孩子们忙着给他们画好的地图填色。

  19. 19
    used for describing someone's feelings when they do something (表示做某事带有某种感情)

    She spoke more in disappointment than in anger. 她说话时语气中更多的是失望而不是生气。

    In my enthusiasm I quite forgot Dr Ziegler's warning. 我兴致正浓,差不多忘了齐格勒医生的警告。

  20. 20
    given or sent to someone or received by someone 交来;收上来

    Homework must be handed in tomorrow morning. 家庭作业必须在明早交上来。

    Have you sent in your application form? 你的申请表寄来了吗?

    I shall collect your books in at the end of the lesson. 这堂课结束时我会把你们的书收上来。

    be in (=be received) 交过来 :

    Tax forms must be in by the end of September. 税表必须在 9 月底之前交上来。

  21. 21
    used for saying what product, food, or drink contains a particular substance (某物质)含于(产品、食物或饮料)中

    There is a lot of fat in cheese and butter. 奶酪和黄油中含有大量油脂。

    Do you take milk in your tea? 你的茶里要加牛奶吗?

  22. 22
    used for saying that something is available in a shop (商店)备有

    Smoked salmon? We'll have some in on Thursday. 熏鲑鱼吗?我们到星期四会有一些货。

     Synonyms and related words
  23. 23
    British a player or team that is in during a game of cricket is batting (板球比赛中)轮到击球
     Synonyms and related words
  24. 24
    used for saying the person or thing that has the qualities needed for a particular job or situation 具备(品质)

    In Nelson Mandela the people had a leader that they could respect and admire. 纳尔逊·曼德拉具备民众所尊敬和爱戴的领导人的品质。

  25. 25
    if a politician or a political party is in, they have been elected 在朝;执政;当政

    We hope things will get better now the Tories are in. 现在是保守党执政,我们希望情况会有所好转。

    get in (=be elected) 赢得选举 :

    The Labour candidate got back in with an increased majority. 工党候选人以更高的多数票赢得选举,重掌政局。

  26. 26
    something that is in is fashionable 流行的;时髦的

    Pale colours are definitely in this summer. 浅色绝对是今夏流行色。

    the in thing (to do) :

    We used to go to boring cocktail parties just because it was the in thing to do. 我们以前常去无聊的鸡尾酒会,只是为了赶时髦。

     Synonyms and related words
    Modern and fashionable and up-to-date: modern, contemporary, advanced...
  27. 27
    if the tide is in or comes in, the sea has reached or is reaching its highest level on the land (潮水)上涨
     Synonyms and related words
    Movements of water: course, current, down...
  28. 28
    used for saying that something breaks or falls inwards (破裂或跌落时)朝里,向内

    They kicked the door in and charged through. 他们踹开门冲了进去。

    The roof caved in and buried all of them. 屋顶塌了,把他们都埋了起来。

     Synonyms and related words
    Function words referring to location: about, across, after...
noun [singular] spoken /ɪn/
  1. a way to achieve something 门路;交情

    The job itself is deadly boring, but it's an in to a career in publishing. 这工作本身是十分枯燥的,但却是在出版业发展的好机会。

     Synonyms and related words
    Systems and methods for doing things: modality, method, system...
See also

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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