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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 566 COCA: 997
noun /ˈdiːteɪl/
  1. 1
    [C] one of many small facts or pieces of information relating to a situation 细节;详情

    They knew everything about me, down to the last detail. 他们对我了如指掌,每个细节都知道。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [C/U] a fact that is not important 枝节

      Don't worry too much about the details. 别为枝节问题过分烦恼。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2


    [plural] information 详细情况
    further/full details :

    For further details contact Sam Davis. 欲知详情,请联系萨姆・戴维斯。

    Full details are available from the following address. 从以下地址可以了解全部详情。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      information that you provide about yourself, for example your name and address 个人信息

      Please enter your details below. 请在下面填入你的个人信息。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      information about something that is for sale, especially a house (尤指在售房屋的)详情,细目

      It doesn't mention a garage in the details. 它没有特别提到车库。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [U] all the small aspects or features that something has, especially when they are difficult to notice (尤指难以觉察的)细节,细部
    attention to detail :

    Attention to detail is important in this job. 注意细节对这个工作是很重要的。

    an eye for detail :

    She has an incredibly good eye for detail (=ability to notice detail). 她对细节有惊人的敏锐眼光。

     Synonyms and related words
    Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
  4. 4
    [C] a small part of something such as a painting or photograph, especially when shown separately from the rest of it 局部;细部

    The cover shows a detail from a Victorian painting. 封面是一幅维多利亚时代绘画的局部。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words for parts: part, unit, section...
  5. 5
    [C] a group of soldiers or police officers given a particular job (士兵或警察)小分队,特遣队
     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    Groups of soldiers: advance guard, battalion, brigade...
    1. a.
      [C/U] a particular job given to a group of soldiers or police officers 特别任务
See also
  • devil
verb [T] /ˈdiːteɪl/
present tense
present participledetailing
past tensedetailed
past participledetailed
  1. 1
    to list all the facts or aspects of a situation 详述;详细说明

    a report detailing the circumstances surrounding the deal 详细说明这笔交易情况的报告

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [usually passive] to give someone a particular job, especially someone in the armed forces (尤指军队中)派遣,选派

    Clarke was detailed to follow him. 克拉克被派去跟随他。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words relating to army life: base, billet, detail...
IELTS BNC: 566 COCA: 997


ADJECTIVE | ... OF DETAIL | VERB + DETAIL | DETAIL + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElittle, minor, minute, small, subtle, tiny細小枝節;微小的細節It is important to get even the small details right.即使微小的細節也得弄清楚,這一點很重要。considerable, fine, great, meticulous, painstaking十分詳細;極度詳細;周密詳細Now let us examine this idea in greater detail.現在讓我們更仔細地考慮一下這個想法。Every new animal or plant found was recorded in meticulous detail.每一種新發現的動物或植物都會被十分詳細地記錄下來。exact, explicit, precise準確的/明確的/精確的細節I don't need to know the precise details of your quarrel.我不需要知道你們吵架的每一個細節。excruciating令人苦惱的細節He described the event to his friends in excruciating detail.他向朋友們描述了那一事件,詳細得簡直讓人受不了。fascinating, interesting令人入迷的/有趣的細節colourful/colorful, vivid豐富多彩的/生動的細節juicy, salacious風流的/淫蕩的細節She was telling me all the juicy details of her love life.她在給我講述她的種種風流韻事。gory, graphic, grisly, gruesome, lurid, sordid血淋淋的/生動的/恐怖的/令人毛骨悚然的/聳人聽聞的/污穢的細節I can still remember the accident in graphic detail.那次事故中那些赤裸裸的可怕細節我至今歷歷在目。chilling, disturbing, shocking令人恐懼的/讓人不安的/令人震驚的細節The report uncovers disturbing details of abuse.這篇報道揭露了種種讓人不安的虐待事件的細節。intimate隱私的細節The diary contains intimate details of their life together.日記內記載有他們共同生活的私密細節。complete, exhaustive, full全部的細節We'll give you full details of how to enter our competition later.關於如何參賽,我們隨後會向您提供詳情。bare details, brief details, sketchy details不多的/寥寥的/粗略的細節I only know the barest details of his plans.對於他計劃的詳情,我所知甚少。He only managed to give the police a few sketchy details of the robbery.他只能向警方提供搶劫的一些粗略細節。crucial, essential, important, nitty-gritty (informal, especially NAmE) , pertinent關鍵性/根本性/重要/最核心的/相關的細節
The book covers the nitty-gritty details of starting a business.這本書涵蓋了有關創業的關鍵性細節。insignificant, irrelevant, trivial無足輕重的細節;無關的細節;細枝末節telling說明問題的細節It was a small but telling detail.這個細節雖小但很說明問題。practical實際細節I haven't sorted out the practical details of getting there yet.我還沒有搞清楚究竟怎麼去那裏呢。complex, intricate複雜的/錯綜複雜的細節final最後的細節Everyone must approve the basic plan before the final details are drawn up.基本方案必須得到所有人同意才能着手籌劃最後的細節。concrete具體細節Can you give me some concrete details of how you've been saving money?你能告訴我你攢錢的具體方法嗎 ?mundane平常的細節the mundane details of his daily life他日常生活中繁瑣的細節biographical, factual, historical, operational, personal, technical傳記細節;事實詳情;歷史詳情;操作細節;個人細節;技術細節... OF DETAILpoint一個細節I must correct some points of detail in your article.我必須更正你文章中的幾個細節。wealth大量細節The book provides a wealth of detail on daily life in ancient China.這本書大量描述了中國古代日常生活的細節。level細緻程度Ensure that your diagrams contain the appropriate level of detail.要確保你的圖表足夠詳細。VERB + DETAILgive, go into, offer, present, provide, send, supply給出細節;敍述細節;提供細節Do not give any technical details of the product at this stage.在本階段不要公佈此產品任何技術細節。I don't want to go into any more detail than necessary.除非絕對必要,我不想多說細節問題。disclose, divulge, pass on, release details, reveal公開/披露/傳遞/發佈/透露細節The committee refused to disclose details of the proposals.委員會拒絕公開這些建議的細節。share分享細節He had shared intimate details of his life with a stranger.他跟一個陌生人分享了自己生活的私密細節。explain, lay out, lay sth out in, set out, set sth out in, spell out, spell sth out in闡釋細節;展開細節;詳細展開⋯;闡明細節;詳細闡明⋯Details of the pension plan are set out below.下面列出養老金計劃詳情。The rules are set out in detail in chapter seven.這些規則在第 7 章有詳細說明。establish, finalize, iron out, work out, work sth out in確定細節;落實細節;制訂細節;詳細制訂⋯We haven't yet worked out the travel details.我們尚未確定旅程中的一些細節問題。discuss, hammer out, negotiate就細節進行討論;反複討論敲定細節;就細節進行協商We still need to negotiate the details of the contract.我們還要就合同的細節進行磋商。handle處理細節Natalie handled the details of her travel.納塔莉處理了她旅行中的細節問題。uncover發現細節Historians claim to have uncovered details of the writer's secret affair.歷史學家聲稱發現了這個作家隱秘戀情的細節。hear, learn, read聽說/瞭解/讀到詳情fill sb in on告訴某人詳情I'll give you a call later and fill you in on the details.我過會兒給你打電話告訴你詳情。spare sb (informal) 向某人略去細節'We had a terrible time-' 'Oh, spare me the details (= don't tell me any more).'“簡直糟透了 - ” “細節就算了吧。”contain, have, include包含細節;有詳細說明;包括詳細說明Tomorrow's papers will contain full details of the case.明天的報紙會詳細報道此案。show說明細節The receipt shows details of the item purchased.收據列出所購物品的詳細清單。find out details, get details搞清細節;得到細節You can find out more details of the offer from your local travel agent.進一步的報價詳情可向當地的旅遊代理查詢。enter details輸入詳細信息Enter your details in the form below then click on 'submit'.在下面的表格裏填上你的詳細資料,然後點擊“提交”。take details記下細節The secretary took my details and said they would get back to me.秘書記下了我的詳細資料,說他們會再與我聯繫。check, examine, study核對/檢查/研究細節Make sure you check the details of the policy before you sign it.簽字之前一定要檢查一下保單的詳細條款。record記錄詳情The computer records the details of everyone entering the country.電腦記錄了每個入境者的詳細資料。absorb, memorize掌握/記住細節She had memorized every detail of his body.她記下了他身體的每個細節情況。Ali absorbed every detail of the beautiful morning.阿里全身心感受了這個美麗早晨的點點滴滴。omit遺漏細節neglect, overlook疏忽/忽略細節He had overlooked one crucial detail.他忽略了一個至關重要的細節。be lacking in, lack缺少細節The speech was well delivered but lacking in detail.演說很不錯,不過在細節上有所欠缺。sweat the details (NAmE, informal) 操心細節問題He leaves experts to sweat the details (= worry about them).他讓專家們去操心細節問題。spill (informal, especially NAmE) 泄露細節Spill the gory details about your worst relationship.說出你最糟糕的那段感情不堪的細節。post details, publish (= on the Internet) (在因特網上)發佈細節Click here for more details posted by Ken.要獲得更多肯發佈的內容,請點擊此處。confirm證實細節They wrote to confirm the details of the meeting.他們把一切寫下來以證實會議的細節。DETAIL + VERBemerge細節出現New details are emerging on the alleged terror plot.所謂的恐怖陰謀又出現了新情況。suggest sth細節暗示⋯This detail suggests that the killer knew his victim.這個細節暗示兇手認識受害人。reveal sth, show sth細節揭露⋯/顯示⋯PREPOSITIONfor details關於細節For details contact Joanna Morland.若需詳情,請聯繫喬安娜・莫蘭。in detail詳細地I haven't looked at the proposal in detail yet.我尚未細看這項提案。over a/the detail在細節上They're still arguing over the details of the contract.他們仍在對合同的細節爭執不休。detail about關於⋯的細節I won't go into detail about the threats she made.我不再詳述她威脅要怎麼怎麼樣這些細節了。detail of⋯的細節She revealed the details of her plan.她透露了她計劃中的細節。detail on有關⋯的細節For more detail on how to obtain a visa, see page 8.有關如何獲得簽證的詳細信息,請參閱第 8 頁。detail surrounding圍繞⋯的詳細情況The details surrounding his death are not known.他的死亡細節不詳。PHRASESattention to detail注重細節The secret of their success lies in their attention to detail.他們成功的秘訣在於注重細節。down to the last detail到了最細枝末節的問題an expedition planned down to the last detail計劃極為周密的探險every last detail每一個細枝末節She remembered every last detail of what I'd told her the month before.她記得我上一個月告訴她的那些話的每一個細節。an eye for detail把握細節的能力He has an excellent eye for detail.他很善於把握細節。full of detail充滿細節Her short stories are full of detail and wit.她的短篇小說有很多細節刻畫,而且機智風趣。a lack of detail缺少細節The report was criticized for its lack of detail.這份報告因缺少細節而受到批評。
IELTS BNC: 566 COCA: 997
detail verb
detail noun

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