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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 278 COCA: 287
noun /lɔː/
  1. 1
    [C] an official rule that people must obey 法令;法律

    The new law will be passed by Parliament in the spring. 议会将在春季通过这项新法令。

    break a law (=do something illegal) 犯法 :

    Several traffic laws had been broken. 违反了数条交通法规。

    law against :

    a law against shoplifting 制裁在商店内偷窃商品的法律

    law on :

    a new law on gun ownership 关于枪支持有方面的新法令

    1. a.
      [singular/uncountable] a system of rules within a country, region, or community dealing with people's behaviour and activities (国家、地区或社区的)法律体系
      against the law (=illegal) 违法的 :

      It is against the law to park on a double yellow line. 把车停在双黄线上是违法的。

      break the law (=do something illegal) 犯法 :

      The local authority is prepared to prosecute them for breaking the law. 地方当局准备起诉他们的违法行为。

      obey the law :

      Local officials are reminding people to obey the law and not sell fireworks to children under sixteen. 地方官员提醒人们要守法,不要把烟花卖给16岁以下的儿童。

      by/under law (=according to the law) 依照法律 :

      Any changes are required by law to be in writing. 依据法律,任何变动都要以书面形式出现。

      within the law (=legal or legally) 合法的;合法地 :

      They pledged to work within the law to bring about change. 他们保证在法律许可范围内努力作出改变。

      above the law (=allowed to not obey the law) 凌驾于法律之上 :

      Neither the government nor any official is above the law. 无论政府或任何官员都不能凌驾于法律之上。

      become law (=be made a law) 成为法律 :

      The bill could become law as soon as next year. 该法案一到明年就可能变成法律。

      enforce the law (=punish people who do not obey it) 执法 :

      It is the Attorney-General's job to enforce the law, not the White House's. 执法是司法部长而非白宫的职责。

    2. b.
      [U] a set of rules within a larger system that deal with a particular subject or area (某一特定领域的)法规

      criminal/company/constitutional law 刑法/公司法/宪法

       Synonyms and related words
      Moral rules and rules of behaviour: rule, convention, law...
    3. c.
      [C] a rule or set of principles that people follow for moral or religious reasons (道德或宗教上的)准则,守则

      the laws of morality 道德准则

       Synonyms and related words
      Moral rules and rules of behaviour: rule, convention, law...
    4. d.
      [C] British a rule in sport (体育运动的)规则
       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [U] the profession that includes lawyers and judges 司法界;法律行业;律师业
    practise law (=work as a lawyer) 从事律师行业 :

    Anne's been practising law for 20 years. 安妮当律师已经有 20 年了。

    1. a.
      [only before noun] relating to this profession, to courts, or to a legal system 与司法界(法律行业或律师业)有关的

      a law firm 律师事务所

  3. 3
    [U] the area of knowledge or study dealing with systems of rules and the way that they work 法学;法律知识

    Both of them are studying law at university. 他们俩都在大学学法律。

     Synonyms and related words
    Specific areas of study: acoustics, aesthetics, agriculture...
    1. a.
      [only before noun] relating to this area of knowledge or study 与法律知识(或法学)有关的

      a law school/degree 法学院/法学学位

  4. 4
    [C] science an explanation of a natural or scientific process (自然或科学的)规律,定律,原理

    the laws of physics/gravity 物理学原理/万有引力定律

     Synonyms and related words
    Explanations and explaining: explanation, interpretation, instructions...
  5. 5

    the law

    informal the police 警方;警察
     Synonyms and related words
See also
IELTS BNC: 278 COCA: 287


1official rule/rules法規 see also martial law ADJECTIVE | VERB + LAW | LAW + VERB | LAW + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEadministrative, case, civil, common, constitutional, criminal, statute, etc.行政法、判例法、民法、習慣法、憲法、刑法、成文法等abortion, bankruptcy, business, contract, divorce, employment, family, immigration, labour/labor, libel, tax, etc.墮胎法、破產法、商業法、合同法、離婚法、用工法、家庭法、移民法、勞動法、誹謗法、稅法等federal, international, state聯邦法;國際法;州的法律clear清楚的法律The law is clear: bribery is wrong.法律規定很清楚:賄賂是違法的。unclear, vague不清晰的/模糊的法律harsh, strict, stringent, tough嚴酷的/嚴格的/嚴厲的/嚴苛的法律Environmental laws are strict about polluting precious water.環境法對珍貴水源的污染有嚴格的規定。discriminatory, unconstitutional, unjust歧視性/違憲的/不公正的法律We believe this law is unconstitutional.我們認為該法違憲。liberal寬鬆的法律restrictive限制性法律the passage of a restrictive immigration law in 19241924 年一項限制性移民法的通過Jewish, Talmudic猶太教法;《塔木德》法典Islamic, sharia伊斯蘭教教法VERB + LAWbecome成為法律A presidential veto prevented the bill from becoming law.總統的否決使該議案沒能成為法律。Parliament voted for the bill to become law.議會投票通過,使議案成為法律。apply, enforce, implement, uphold適用法律;執法;維法It's the job of the police to enforce the law.執法是警察的工作。follow, obey, observe, respect守法;尊重法律break, flout, violate違法;無視法律adopt, create, enact, introduce, pass通過法律;制訂法律;推行法律overturn, repeal廢止法律amend, change, reform, revise修正/改變/改革/修訂法律Congress amended the law in 1998.國會於 1998 年對該法進行了修正。draft, write起草/撰寫法律the legislators who drafted the law起草該法的立法人員interpret解釋法律Judges interpret this law in different ways.法官對這條法律的解釋各有不同。LAW + VERBallow sth, authorize sth, permit sth法律允許⋯/批准⋯/許可⋯recognize sth法律承認⋯a law recognizing civil unions for same-sex couples承認同性伴侶民事結合的法律ban sth, forbid sth, prohibit sth法律禁止⋯The law forbids gambling of any kind.法律禁止任何形式的賭博。limit sth, restrict sth法律限制⋯a law limiting the hours of work to ten hours per day禁止日工作時間超過 10 小時的法律criminalize sth法律規定⋯為犯罪Laws criminalizing same-sex relationships were ruled unconstitutional.規定同性戀關係為犯罪的法律被判違憲。mandate sth, require sth法律要求⋯The wearing of a crash helmet is required by law.法律要求必須佩戴安全帽。govern sth, regulate sth法律規定⋯the law governing school attendance規定就學的法律the laws regulating firearms槍械管理的相關法律apply to sb/sth, cover sb/sth法律適用於⋯/覆蓋⋯The law applies equally to businesses large and small.該法律同樣適用於所有公司,無論大小。LAW + NOUNcourt (BrE) (also court of law (BrE, , NAmE)) 法庭case, suit (usually lawsuit) 案件;訴訟lawsuits filed by women against employers婦女針對雇主提起的訴訟enforcement執法The building was raided by law enforcement agents.該大樓受到了執法人員的突擊搜查。violation (NAmE) 違法reform法律改革the broader implications of copyright law reform版權法改革的更廣泛意義clerk, partner (both NAmE) 律師助理;律師事務所合夥人office, practice (both NAmE) 律師事務所;法律實務She lost her job at a Boston law office.她丟掉了在波士頓一家律師事務所的工作。license (NAmE) 律師執照book, journal, review法律書籍/期刊/評論a room filled with law books滿是法律書籍的房間library法律圖書館PREPOSITIONabove the law凌駕於法律之上No one is above the law.任何人都不能凌駕於法律之上。against the law違法What you did was clearly against the law.你這樣做明顯違法。beyond the law超越法律individuals who are acting beyond the law超越法律行事的個人by law依據法律By law, you are obliged to install smoke alarms in the factory.依據法律,你有義務在工廠安裝煙霧報警器。outside the law不合法rebels who live outside the law非法的叛亂分子within the law在法律許可之內The company is operating entirely within the law.這家公司的運作完全是合法的。law against禁止⋯的法律a local law against keeping horses禁止養馬的地方法law concerning, law on, law regarding, law relating to關於⋯的法律;⋯法;與⋯相關的法律the law concerning industrial action ballots關於勞工行動投票的法律A law on hunting will cause a lot of disagreements.狩獵法將引起很多爭議。the laws regarding child actors兒童演員的相關法律the law relating to the sale of goods商品銷售的相關法律PHRASESas the law stands (BrE) 依照法律規定As the law stands, you can get married at sixteen.根據法律規定,16 歲就可以結婚。law and order法律與秩序Martial law was imposed to prevent the breakdown of law and order.為了防止治安陷入癱瘓,實施了戒嚴。the law of the land國家法律The Civil Rights Act of 1964 became the law of the land on July 2, 1964.1964 年的《民權法案》於 1964 年 7 月 2 日成為了國家法律。the letter of the law法律的字面意義In spite of the difficulties it would cause her family, the judge stuck to the letter of the law and jailed her.儘管會給她的家庭帶來困難,法官還是嚴格依據法律條文判她入獄。take the law into your own hands無視法律擅自處理When police failed to arrest the suspect, local people took the law into their own hands.由於警察沒有逮捕嫌疑人,當地的人們便擅自處理。


2subject of study/profession法學;律師行業VERB + LAW | LAW + NOUN VERB + LAWpractise/practice當律師LAW + NOUNfirm律師事務所school (NAmE) (BrE) 法學院She's in law school. (NAmE) 她在法學院就讀。She's at law school. (BrE) 她在法學院就讀。 note at subject (for more verbs and nouns)
IELTS BNC: 278 COCA: 287
law noun
law (against the law) principle2 (moral laws) rule (strict gun laws) theory1 (Newton's laws) lay down the law dictate to sb phrasal verb law and order, the rule of law peace


law ♦︎ legislation ♦︎ constitution ♦︎ code ♦︎ charterThese are all words for a system or set of rules or principles which govern a country or organization. 这些词均表示国家的法律法规或机构的章程。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配legislation / a charter on sthunder / in the legislation / constitution / code / charter(a) draft legislation / constitution / code / charter(the) civil / criminal law / legislation / code(the) state / federal law / legislation / constitutionto draw up / draft / adopt / approve / amend legislation / a constitution / a code / a charterto break the law / a codeto contravene legislation / a constitution / a codeto be enshrined in law / legislation / the constitution / a charterthe law / legislation / the constitution forbids sthlegislation / the constitution / a charter guarantees sth law ( the law) [uncountable] the system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey; a particular branch of this system 法律(体系);法规In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.在瑞典打孩子是违法的。Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off.辩护律师可以在法律允许的范围内利用任何手段使当事人免于处罚。British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results.按现行法律规定,英国的学校须公布考试结果。The reforms have recently become law.最近已立法保证这些改革措施。He specializes in international law.他专攻国际法。 see also law rule noun legislation ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn [uncountable] a law or set of laws passed by a parliament 法规;法律The civil rights campaign resulted in legislation against segregation.那次民权运动的结果是通过了反对隔离的法规。There were calls for legislation to ban smoking in public places.人们呼吁立法禁止在公共场所吸烟。The government is trying to push through a controversial piece of legislation.政府正试图通过一项有争议的法规。 see also legislate rule verb 2 constitution ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn; NAmE ˌkɑːnstəˈtuːʃn [countable] the system of laws and basic principles that a state, country or organization is governed by 宪法;章程These rights are established in the federal constitution.这些权利是联邦宪法中所规定的。A two-thirds majority is needed to amend the club's constitution.俱乐部章程的修订需经三分之二的俱乐部成员同意。 code [countable] a system of laws or written rules that state how people in an organization or country should behave 法典;法规;规定The company has drawn up a new disciplinary code.公司已经起草了一项新的纪律规定。The law includes amendments to the penal code.该法律包括几条刑法修正案。 charter [countable] a written statement describing the rights that a particular group of people should have; a written statement of the principles and aims of an organization 权利宪章;规章;章程He fought for a social charter of workers' rights.他为出台一部保障工人权利的社会宪章而斗争。Minority rights are protected by the UN charter.少数族裔的权利受到联合国宪章的保护。

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