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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 298 COCA: 437
adjective /leɪt/
  1. 1
    [not usually before noun] if you are late, you arrive somewhere after the correct or usual time 遲到的

    She phoned to say she'd be late. 她打來電話說她會晚到。

    late for :

    He was ten minutes late for school. 他上學遲到了10分鐘。

    too late 太晚了;太遲了 :

    We climbed the hill to watch the sunset, but we were too late. 我們爬到山上想看日落,但我們到得太晚了。

     Synonyms and related words
    Late or too late: late, belatedly, overdue...
    1. a.
      used about something that happens after the correct or usual time 晚於通常時間的

      There is a penalty for late registration. 遲登記要罰款。

      late with :

      They're always late with their payments. 他們總是晚交錢。

       Synonyms and related words
      Late or too late: late, belatedly, overdue...
    2. b.
      used about something that continues after the time that it usually ends 持續到很晚的

      We got caught in a late meeting and almost missed the start of the film. 會議一直開到很晚,我們脫不開身,差點誤了電影的開場。

       Synonyms and related words
      Late or too late: late, belatedly, overdue...
  2. 2
    [only before noun] near the end of a period of time such as a day, month, or season 接近終了的;末期的;晚期的;後期的

    the late 18th century 18世紀末

    These bulbs bloom in late spring. 這些球莖在晚春開花。

    a girl in her late teens 將近20歲的女孩

     Synonyms and related words
    Late or too late: late, belatedly, overdue...
    1. a.
      near the end of an evening or night 近深夜的;深夜的

      If it weren't so late I would give Donna a call. 要不是已經深夜了,我會給唐納打個電話。

    2. b.
      done near the end of someone's life or career (在某人生命或事業的)晚期制作(或完成)的

      The symphony is a late work. 這首交響曲是晚期作品。

      a late Picasso 一幅畢加索的晚期作品

       Synonyms and related words
      Final and at the end: final, ultimate, eventual...
  3. 3
    [only before noun] happening at a time just before the present 不久前的;最近的

    a late news development 最近的新聞動向

     Synonyms and related words
    A short time ago: recent, just, newly...
  4. 4
    [only before noun] used for talking about someone who has died, especially recently 已故的;(尤指)新近去世的

    my late aunt 我已故的姑媽

     Synonyms and related words
    Dead: dead, deceased, inanimate...
adverb /leɪt/
  1. 1
    after the correct or usual time 晚;遲

    The trains are running 15 minutes late. 火車晚點15分鐘。

    The trees are flowering late this year. 這些樹今年開花晚了一些。

     Synonyms and related words
    After another event or time: after, following, since...
  2. 2
    near the end of a period of time such as a day, month, season, or someone's life or career (一段時間、某人的生命或事業)接近終了時

    Stop by late this afternoon. 今天傍晚前過來坐坐。

    late in :

    We plan to visit late in July. 我們計劃在7月底出訪。

    late in life :

    He didn't receive the recognition he deserved until late in life. 他直到晚年才獲得他應得的贊譽。

     Synonyms and related words
    Late or too late: late, belatedly, overdue...
    1. a.
      near the end of an evening or night 近深夜;深夜

      We won't arrive home until late, so don't wait up for us. 我們很晚才能到家,所以不要熬夜等我們。

BNC: 298 COCA: 437


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel, seem晚;感覺晚;好像晚I don't know what the time is, but it feels quite late.我不知道幾點了,但感覺很晚了。get, grow晚了It's getting too late to do anything today.太晚了,今天已經幹不了任何事了。make sb使某人遲到ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常晚relatively比較晚a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/略有些晚fashionably稍稍晚一會兒Kevin was fashionably late as always.和往常一樣,凱文又遲到了一會兒。PREPOSITIONfor⋯遲到I'm late for work.我上班遲到了。in在⋯的後期He took up music late in life.他開始學習音樂時年歲已經大了。into晚到⋯It was now late into the night.這時已是深夜時分。with遲延He was now three weeks late with his rent.他的租金已晚交了 3 個星期。PHRASESan hour, ten minutes, etc. late遲到 1 小時、10 分鐘等The train was 45 minutes late.火車晚點了 45 分鐘。leave it rather, very, etc. late把⋯拖延到相當晚、非常晚You've left it rather late to start your homework, haven't you?你待到相當晚才開始做作業,是不是?
BNC: 298 COCA: 437
late adj.
late (late for work) dead (her late husband)


late ♦︎ slow ♦︎ overdue ♦︎ belatedThese words all describe sb/sth that arrives, happens or is done after the expected, arranged or usual time. 這些詞均表示遲到的、延遲的、遲做的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配late / overdue for sthlate / slow in doing sthlate / overdue paymentoverdue / belated recognitiontwo weeks / a year late / overduevery / extremely / rather / slightly late / slow / belated late [not usually before noun] arriving, happening or done after the expected, arranged or usual time 遲到;遲發生;遲做I'm sorry I'm late.對不起,我遲到了。She's late for work every day.她每天上班都遲到。My flight was an hour late.我那趟航班晚點一小時。Some children are very late developers.有些孩子發育滞後。Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year.因天氣寒冷,農作物今年成熟得晚。OPP early , on time , punctual early late


Can I stay up late tonight?今晚我可以晚點兒睡嗎?The big stores are open later on Thursdays.大商店每逢星期四開門較晚。She married late.她結婚晚。The birthday card arrived three days late.生日賀卡晚到了三天。
slow hesitating to do sth; not doing sth immediately 遲遲不⋯;不樂意;慢吞吞She wasn't slow to realize what was going on.她很快就意識到發生了什麽事。His poetry was slow in achieving recognition.他的詩作長期無人賞識。They were very slow paying me.他們遲遲不付錢給我。 OPP quick quick see also slow slow overdue ˌəʊvəˈdjuː; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈduːnot paid, done or returned by the required or expected time; that should have happened or been done before now (到期)未付的,未做到的,未還的;早該發生(或完成)的2% interest will be charged on overdue payments.逾期欠款將收取2%的利息。My library books were overdue.我借圖書館的書逾期未還。Her baby is two weeks overdue.她的胎兒已超過預産期兩周了。This car is overdue for a service (= has needed a service for a long time).這車早就該維修了。A book like this is long overdue.像這樣的書早就該有人出版了。 belated bɪˈleɪtɪd (written) (especially of an action or response) coming or happening late (尤指行動或反應)遲來的,晚出現的Many apologies for sending you such a belated birthday present.非常抱歉這麽晚才送你生日禮物。The government has been criticized for its belated response to the report.政府因遲遲沒有回應這篇報道而受到批評。 belatedly


He apologized belatedly.他的道歉爲時已晚。

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