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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 322 COCA: 337
verb /riːd/
present tense
present participlereading
past tenseread
past participleread
  1. 1
    [I/T] to look at and understand words in a letter, book, newspaper etc 阅读;看懂

    I read a few chapters of a book every night. 我每晚都要看几个章节的书。

    He was sitting reading in the waiting room. 他正坐在候车室看书。

    read and write :

    By the age of five, he was able to read and write. 他5岁时就能读书和写字。

    read something from cover to cover (=all of something) 从头至尾阅读 :

    I always read the paper from cover to cover. 我总是从头至尾地阅读报纸。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words meaning to read: read, study, devour...
    1. a.
      [I/T] to speak the words that you are looking at 朗读
      read (something) to someone :

      Reading to young children helps develop their language skills. 念书给小孩子听有助于发展他们的语言技能。

      read someone something :

      Read me that last sentence again. 把最后那句再给我读一遍。

      read (something) aloud/out loud :

      I'm going to read this poem aloud. 我要大声朗读这首诗。

      read from something :

      She will be reading from her latest novel. 她将从她最新的一部小说读起。

       Synonyms and related words
      General words meaning to read: read, study, devour...
    2. b.
      [I/T] to get information from books, newspapers etc 读到(某一信息)
      read about :

      He likes reading about wildlife. 他喜欢读有关野生动物的书。

      read something in something :

      We read it in the local paper. 我们从当地报纸上得悉此事。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      [T] used for telling someone about mistakes in printing (用于订正印刷中的讹误)改作,换用
      for something, read something :

      On page 61, for ‘three thousand', read ‘three million'. 61页的 three thousand 应作 three million。

      read something as something :

      The figure £600 should be read as $600. 600英镑应改作600美元。

       Synonyms and related words
      Editing, adapting and proofreading: abridge, adapt, append...
  2. 2
    [T] if you can read music, you can understand the written marks that represent musical sounds 读懂(音符)
     Synonyms and related words
    Musical ability: voice, read, pitch...
    1. a.
      to look at and understand the information, symbols, or numbers on a map or a piece of measuring equipment 看懂,读出(地图、测量仪器上的符号或数字等)

      Has the man been to read the gas meter? 这个人读过煤气表上的数字了吗?

       Synonyms and related words
      General words meaning to read: read, study, devour...
  3. 3
    [T] to understand something in a particular way 解释;阐释;理解

    They had read the situation extremely accurately. 他们相当准确地判断了局势。

    read something as something :

    We had read their decision as an admission of failure. 我们把他们的决定理解为认输。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] if a short piece of writing reads something, it contains those particular words 有…的字样;写着

    The label read, ‘Suitable only for children over three'. 标签上写着“仅适用于3岁以上儿童”。

     Synonyms and related words
    To contain something: include, contents, contain...
  5. 5
    [T] if a computer or other piece of electronic equipment reads something, it examines the information on it or copies it to a particular place (计算机等电子设备)读取(信息)
     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] if a piece of measuring equipment reads something, it shows a particular number or amount (测量仪器)指示,显示

    The thermometer has been reading over 90 degrees all day. 温度计的读数一整天都显示超过90度。

     Synonyms and related words
    To measure something: measure, weigh, pace out...
  7. 7
    [T] to be able to understand what someone is like or what they are thinking 弄明白;看懂

    It was difficult to read his expression. 很难读懂他的表情。

    See also book , mind
  8. 8
    [I] if something reads well or badly, you think it has been written well or badly (书、文章等)写得(好或坏)

    In general, the script reads beautifully. 总的来说,这部手稿文笔很美。

     Synonyms and related words
    General words meaning to read: read, study, devour...
  9. 9
    [T] to hear someone who is speaking to you by radio (通过无线电)听到…的声音

    This is Charlie Alpha Five. Do you read me? 我是查理·阿尔法·菲弗。你能听到我的声音吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    To hear something: make out, hear, overhear...
  10. 10
    [T] British old-fashioned to study a particular subject at university (在大学)攻读,研究
     Synonyms and related words
    To study, or to study hard: study, learn, train...
  11. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    read the room to correctly assess a situation, an audience etc

    A strong presenter should be able to read the room and adjust their style accordingly.

    Submitted from United Kingdom on 06/02/2018
noun [singular] /riːd/
  1. an act of reading something, or a period of time spent reading something 阅读;阅读时间

    She settled herself down for a quiet read. 她坐下来静静地读书。

     Synonyms and related words
    Reading: reading, reader, scan...

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