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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 817 COCA: 645
noun /ɪˈkɒnəmi/
  1. 1
    [C] the system by which a country's trade, industry, and money are organized 經濟;經濟制度;經濟情況

    a modern industrial economy 現代工業經濟體制

    the high-growth economies of Southeast Asia 東南亞高速發展的經濟

    a market/capitalist/planned economy 市場/資本主義/計劃經濟體制

     Synonyms and related words
    Economy and economics: agronomics, austerity, boom...
    1. a.
      the whole of a country's business, industry, and trade, and the money that they produce (整個國家的)經濟

      Between 1982 and 1988 the economy grew at an average of about 3 per cent per year. 在1982至1988年間,經濟以平均每年3%的速度增長。

      boost/stimulate/revive the economy (=make it stronger) 促進/刺激/振興經濟 :

      The government has promised to boost the flagging economy. 政府已經承諾要推動低迷的經濟。

       Synonyms and related words
      Economy and economics: agronomics, austerity, boom...
    2. b.
      a country considered as an economic system (被視爲某個經濟實體的)國家

      three of the fastest-growing economies in the Asia-Pacific region 亞太地區3個發展最快的國家

       Synonyms and related words
      Economic systems: capitalism, command economy, communism...
  2. 2
    [U] the careful use of money, products, or time so that very little is wasted 節約;節省

    In those days, fuel economy was a central factor in car design. 在那個時代,燃料的節約是汽車設計中要考慮的一個主要因素。

    The audit will concentrate on the economy and efficiency of production. 監察將集中在生産的節約與效率方面。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [U] the use of the smallest number of words or movements needed to express or do something well (文字或動作的)簡潔,簡練
      economy of :

      The play achieves its effects with a terrific economy of language. 該劇用非常簡潔的語言達到了很好的效果。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.


      [plural] ways of saving money 節約辦法;節省措施
      make economies :

      I'm sure, if we make a few economies, we'll be able to afford it. 我肯定,如果我們厲行節約,我們就能支付得起的。

       Synonyms and related words
      Careful with money: thrifty, economical, frugal...
  3. 3
    [U] tourism the cheapest seats on a plane (飛機的)經濟艙
     Synonyms and related words
adjective [only before noun] /ɪˈkɒnəmi/
  1. 1
    economy travel is the cheapest type of air travel available 坐經濟艙(旅遊)的
     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    economy goods are cheaper than normal goods, usually because you are buying larger quantities (商品)經濟實惠的

    an economy pack of soap powder 肥皂粉的實惠裝

    Try the new economy size. 試試這種新型的經濟裝。

     Synonyms and related words
    Cheap and inexpensive: cheap, economic, competitive...
IELTS BNC: 817 COCA: 645


1operation of a country's money supply國家貨幣供應運作ADJECTIVE | VERB + ECONOMY | ECONOMY + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbooming, buoyant, dynamic, healthy, prosperous, robust, sound, stable, strong, thriving, vibrant蓬勃的經濟;繁榮的經濟;有活力的經濟;健康的經濟;穩定的經濟;強大的經濟expanding, growing增長的經濟improving, recovering, strengthening提升中的/恢復中的/逐漸增強的經濟ailing, bad, declining, depressed, failing, faltering, flagging, moribund, sagging, slowing, sluggish, slumping, sputtering, stagnant, struggling, troubled, weakening不景氣的經濟;蕭條的經濟;衰退的經濟;不振的經濟;低迷的經濟;下滑的經濟;停滯的經濟;疲軟的經濟The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.政府使貨幣貶值以振興衰退的經濟。fragile, vulnerable, weak脆弱的經濟;疲軟的經濟overheated過熱的經濟bubble泡沫經濟In order for our bubble economy to continue expanding, Americans must continue spending.為了讓我們的泡沫經濟繼續膨脹,美國人必須繼續消費。competitive有競爭力的經濟sustainable可持續的經濟advanced, developed, modern發達的經濟;現代的經濟developing, emerging, new, third-world發展中的經濟;新興的經濟;第三世界的經濟agrarian, agricultural, capitalist, free-market, industrial, industrialized, knowledge-based, liberal, market, mixed, monetary, planned, political, rural, socialist農村/農業/資本主義/自由市場/工業/工業化/知識/自由/市場/混合/貨幣/計劃/政治/鄉村/社會主義經濟a modern industrial economy現代工業經濟domestic, global, globalized, internal, international, local, national, world國內經濟;全球經濟;國際經濟;地方經濟;國家經濟;世界經濟the increasingly competitive global economy競爭日趨激烈的全球經濟black, illicit, informal, underground黑色/非法/灰色/地下經濟The black economy booms when there is high unemployment.失業率偏高,黑市經濟就會繁榮起來。VERB + ECONOMYbuild, create, rebuild建設經濟;重建經濟Each party has its own strategy for building a strong economy.各政黨都有各自壯大經濟的策略。control, handle, manage, regulate, run控制經濟;管理經濟;調控經濟The government was accused of failing to run the economy competently.政府被指責未能有效地搞好經濟。bolster, boost, develop, expand, grow, improve, jump-start, kick-start, rescue, revitalize, revive, spur, stimulate, strengthen振興經濟;發展經濟;擴大經濟;促進經濟;改善經濟;搞活經濟;挽救經濟;復蘇經濟;穩定經濟;刺激經濟;加強經濟cripple, damage, destabilize, destroy, devastate, disrupt, harm, hurt, ruin, undermine, weaken, wreck破壞經濟;損害經濟;削弱經濟;摧毀經濟drive, fuel推動/刺激經濟Income from this exported crop drove the economy of Mali.這種農作物出口的收入推動了馬裏的經濟增長。slow使經濟放緩Government measures to slow the economy failed to curb fuel demand growth.政府控制經濟增速的措施未能遏制燃油需求的增加。shape, transform使經濟成型/轉型This massive retailer has been shaping the economy for a decade.十年來這一大型零售商一直在左右着經濟。benefit, help, support, sustain助益/幫助/支持/維持經濟We want to support the local economy.我們要支持當地經濟。threaten威脅經濟Should we be worried that a dollar crisis threatens the economy?我們應該為美元危機對經濟造成威脅感到擔憂嗎?fix, stabilize修復/穩定經濟reform, restructure改革經濟;調整經濟結構liberalize, modernize使經濟自由化/現代化Japan has successfully modernized its economy.日本成功地實現了經濟現代化。diversify使經濟多元化Cuba should have been able to diversify its economy.古巴本應該有能力使經濟更加多元化。dominate主導經濟Tourism clearly dominates the local economy.旅遊業明顯主導着當地經濟。ECONOMY + VERBboom, develop, expand, flourish, grow, improve經濟繁榮/發展/擴大/昌盛/增長/改善be in recession, go into recession經濟衰退collapse, contract, decline, fail, falter, shrink, slow, stagnate, struggle, suffer經濟崩潰/收縮/下滑/失敗/舉步維艱/縮水/減速/停滯/掙紮/受挫pick up, rebound, recover, stabilize, turn around, turn round (especially BrE) 經濟好轉;經濟恢復;經濟穩定;經濟復蘇be based on sth經濟基於⋯The region has an economy based on services and finance.該地區的經濟以服務業和金融業為基礎。emerge from sth經濟擺脫⋯The South African economy emerged from decades of international isolation.南非的經濟擺脫了與國際社會隔離了幾十年的狀況。experience sth經濟經歷⋯It has been a while since the economy experienced a deep economic downturn.經濟深度下探已經持續了一段時間。function, operate, perform經濟運作/發揮功能/表現The economy is functioning very poorly.經濟運行很糟糕。move經濟運行It's the industry which keeps our national economy moving.這一產業保證國家經濟運行。hum, hum along (especially NAmE) 經濟穩步運行The economy is humming along at a healthy 4% pace.經濟以 4% 的速度健康穩步地運行。create sth, generate sth, produce sth經濟創造⋯/產生⋯/產出⋯PHRASESan area of the economy, a sector of the economy經濟領域/部門Drivers are needed in all sectors of the economy.各個經濟部門都需要司機。the backbone of the economy, the mainstay of the economy經濟支柱Agriculture was the backbone of the economy.從前農業是經濟支柱。a downturn in the economy, a downturn of the economy經濟衰退A downturn in the economy is affecting many small businesses.經濟衰退影響到很多小企業。growth in the economy, growth of the economy經濟增長A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy.製造業規模太小有礙經濟增長。control, handling, management, etc. of the economy經濟的控制/操控/管理等37% approved the president's handling of the economy.37% 的人贊成總統對經濟的調節方式。the size of the economy, the state of the economy經濟規模;經濟狀況The government has been criticized over the state of the economy.政府因其管理下的經濟狀況而受到批評。 topic at business


2careful use of money/time/resources金錢、時間或資源的運用ADJECTIVE | VERB + ECONOMY | ECONOMY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEsignificant有重大意義的節約方式false虛假節約Buying cheap shoes is a false economy.買便宜鞋穿並不省錢。fuel燃油節約The company has improved the fuel economy of all its vehicles.公司改進了所有車輛的節油性能。VERB + ECONOMYachieve, make實現節約;實行節省We could achieve major economies in time with this new machinery.用這台新機器我們可以節約大量時間。ECONOMY + NOUNdrive (BrE) 節約運動Savings are being planned as part of a huge economy drive.計劃中節省資源是這個大規模節約運動的一部份。PREPOSITIONeconomy in在⋯方面的節約possible economies in telephone costs有可能節約的電話費開支PHRASESeconomy of effort, economy of movement省力It was impressive to see her economy of movement as she worked the machine.令人印象深刻的是她操作機器十分省力。economy of scale規模經濟Bigger markets can provide significant economies of scale.擴大市場能夠形成強大的規模經濟。
IELTS BNC: 817 COCA: 645

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