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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To get better after an illness
noun /rɪˈkʌv(ə)ri/
[singular/uncountable] the process of becoming fit and healthy again after an illness or injury 恢复健康;复原
make a recovery :

The doctors expect Josie to make a full and speedy recovery. 医生们希望乔西尽快完全康复。

recovery from :

his recovery from alcoholism 他从酒精中毒中康复过来

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb [I/T] /sə(r)ˈvaɪv/
to stay alive despite an injury, illness, war etc (经历伤病、战争等)幸存,活下来

Just eight passengers survived the plane crash. 在这次飞机失事中仅有8名乘客幸免于难。

His doctor says it's a miracle that he survived. 他的医生说他能活下来是个奇迹。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/
[I] to become fit and healthy again after an illness or injury 痊愈;康复
recover from :

I haven't fully recovered from that flu I had. 我所患的流感还没完全好。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /rɪˈspɒnd/
to react well to medical treatment (病情)有好的反应

The patient responded well to surgery. 手术后病人病情好转。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
fight off
phrasal verb [T]
if your body fights off an illness, it prevents the illness from making you ill 竭力击退(疾病)
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /ʃeɪk/



shake off

[T] to get rid of something bad such as a problem, illness, or fear 摆脱;克服

She couldn't shake her fear of snakes. 她摆脱不掉对蛇的恐惧。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /ˈstreŋθ(ə)n/
[T] to make your body physically stronger or more healthy 增强(体质)

Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart. 有氧健身运动使心脏更健康。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /hiːl/
[I] if an injury heals, the skin or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again (伤口)愈合

The wound took a long time to heal. 伤口过了很久才愈合。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
adjective /ˈsteɪb(ə)l/
if a seriously ill or injured person is stable, their condition is not getting worse (病情)稳定的

Tonight the baby is in a critical but stable condition in hospital. 今晚婴儿在医院的情况虽然危急,但病情稳定。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /rɪˈvaɪv/
[T] to make someone become conscious or alive again 使苏醒;使复活

Attempts to revive him failed, and he died soon afterwards. 使他苏醒的各种尝试都失败了,不久他就死了。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
[I] to become conscious or alive again 苏醒;复活
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
[I/T] often humorous to make someone feel better, or to start feeling better (使)恢复精力

I need a cup of tea to revive me! 我要喝杯茶来提提神。

revive someone's spirits (=to make someone feel happier or less tired) :

It's amazing what a five-star hotel can do to revive your spirits. 五星级宾馆能提供的使你恢复精神的服务真是让人惊叹。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
More Synonyms
a clean bill of health
a statement that someone is healthy, or that something is operating correctly or is in good condition 健康声明;完好声明
give someone/something a clean bill of health :

These results give Britain's forests a clean bill of health. 这些结果表明英国的森林状况良好。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
the all clear
if someone who has been ill or injured is given the all clear, doctors tell them that they are well again (伤病者)好转,平安无事
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
back on your feet
well or successful again after being ill or having problems 痊愈;东山再起

Jim's hoping he'll be back on his feet by next week. 吉姆希望到下周会痊愈。

The new measures are intended to get the business back on its feet. 新措施的目的是使企业东山再起。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
be doing well
to be getting better after an illness (病后)康复

He seems to be doing well after his operation. 手术后他似乎正在康复。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
 Synonyms and related words
be on/off the danger list
phrase British
to be very ill in hospital and likely to die/no longer very ill in hospital and not likely to die. The American expression is be on/off the critical list. (在医院里)病危/脱离危险
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
be on the mend
to be getting better after an illness 正在康复

She's been very ill, but luckily she's on the mend now. 她病得很重,但幸运的是她现在正在康复。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /breɪk/
[I] mainly literary if someone's fever breaks, it starts to become less severe (热度)降低;退烧
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /klɪə(r)/
[I/T] if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused, tired, or affected by something such as alcohol (使)不再困惑;(使)变清醒
clear something of something :

Clear your mind of all negative thoughts. 把你脑子里那些消极的想法统统抛开。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
clear up
phrasal verb
[I/T] if an illness clears up, or if something clears it up, you stop being affected by it 痊愈;治愈

Most colds clear up after a few days. 多数感冒几天以后就会痊愈。

a lotion to clear up spots 祛斑液

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb [I] /ˌkɒnvəˈles/
to spend time resting after an illness or operation in order to become healthier or stronger 康复;恢复;养病
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
noun [U] /ˌkɒnvəˈles(ə)ns/
a period of time spent convalescing 康复期;恢复期
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
adjective /ˌkɒnvəˈles(ə)nt/
relating to a period of time spent resting and becoming healthier or stronger after an illness or operation 康复期的;恢复期的
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
get a clean bill of health
to be told that you are healthy after being examined by a doctor 获得健康证明
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
noun [U] /ˈhiːlɪŋ/ /ˈhilɪŋ/
the process of becoming healthy again, or recovering from an unhappy experience 治疗;康复

The healing process will take a long time. 这一康复过程会很长。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
heal over
phrasal verb [I]
if an injury heals over, new skin forms over it and it becomes healthy again (伤口长出新皮而)愈合
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
heal up
phrasal verb [I]
if an injury heals up, the skin or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again (伤口)长好,愈合

The cut wasn't healing up the way it should. 伤口愈合得很不正常。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /nɪt/



knit together


knit up

[I] if a broken bone knits, its parts join together again (断骨)愈合
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
make it
to not die as a result of an illness or accident (从疾病或事故中)挺过去,活下来
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
make it through something
to not die as a result of an illness or an accident 从(疾病或事故)中活下来

She's made it through the worst of the illness now. 现在她已经从重病中挺过来了。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /mend/
[I/T] if a bone mends, or if something mends it after it has broken, it grows back together and becomes healthy again (使)(断骨)重新愈合
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
British to become well again after an illness or injury (病后)康复;(伤口)愈合
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /nɜː(r)s/
[T] to help yourself get better after an illness or injury, for example by resting or getting medical treatment 调养;调治

I took over as captain while she nursed a strained muscle. 在她调养扭伤的肌肉期间我接任了队长一职。

I'm nursing a cold. 我正在医治感冒。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
adverb, preposition /ˈəʊvə(r)/
if you are over an illness, a shock, or a bad experience, it has ended and you are no longer affected by it 从(疾病、震惊或糟糕经历的影响下)恢复过来

Losing her brother was a terrible shock and she isn't over it yet. 失去弟弟对她来说是个可怕的打击,她至今还未恢复过来。

Malaria is a serious illness and you're not going to be over it in a couple of days. 疟疾是种严重的疾病,不可能在两三天内康复。

get over something :

He'll soon get over his disappointment. 他很快就会摆脱失望情绪的。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
placebo effect
noun [C] medical
improvement in an ill person's condition when they have been given a placebo instead of real medicine 安慰剂效应(服用安慰剂后病情有所好转)
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
pull round
phrasal verb [I] British
to start to get better after being ill or in a bad situation

He was just beginning to pull round after his operation.

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness:recovery, survive, recover...
pull through
phrasal verb
[I] to manage to stay alive after you have been very ill or very badly injured 康复;恢复健康

Don't worry, your dad's going to pull through. 别担心,你爸爸会康复的。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /ˈræli/
[I] if you rally, your health improves and you start to get better after being ill 恢复健康;康复

She had showed no signs of rallying since the operation. 她手术后还没有康复的迹象。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /rɪˈkuːpəreɪt/
[I] to get better after being ill or injured 恢复健康;复原

He's recuperating from major heart surgery. 他做完心脏大手术后,正在休养恢复。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...


/rɪˌkuːpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
adjective /rɪˈkuːp(ə)rətɪv/
relating to your ability to get better after being ill or injured 有恢复力的;能恢复的
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb [T] /rɪˈfreʃ/
to make you feel that you have more energy again, especially when you are tired or hot 使恢复精神;使消除疲劳
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb [T] /rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt/
to make someone feel or look younger or have more energy 使变得年轻;使恢复活力
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
noun [C/U] /rɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/
medical a period of time when an illness or disease becomes less severe (疾病的)减轻(期),缓解(期)
in remission :

Her sister's cancer is in remission. 她姐姐的癌症有所好转。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb [T] /riːˈvaɪtəlaɪz/
to make someone feel healthy again 使恢复元气;给予…新的活力
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
to make your skin or hair look healthy again 使(皮肤或头发)恢复光泽
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...


/riːˌvaɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb [T] /riːˈvɪvɪˌfaɪ/
to give new energy to someone or something 使振奋;使恢复活力
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
scar over
phrasal verb [I]
if an injury scars over, it forms a scar as it becomes better 结疤;留下伤疤
 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
second wind
noun [singular] /ˌsekənd ˈwɪnd/
a feeling that you are no longer as tired as you were 恢复精力

Once you've got your second wind it'll be easier. 等你缓过劲儿事情就会容易些。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
throw off
phrasal verb [T]
if you throw off a slight illness, you become healthy again 从(小病)中复原

Healthy people should be able to throw off minor infections without antibiotics.

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...
verb /təʊn/



tone up

[T] to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy 使…更健康;使…更强健

She quickly and efficiently cleansed, toned, and moisturized her face. 她快速有效地完成了面部洁肤、紧肤和润肤的过程。

I'm taking an aerobics class to help tone my muscles. 我在上有氧健身课来加强肌肉锻炼。

 Synonyms and related words
To get better after an illness: recovery, survive, recover...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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