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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
verb /fɪt/
present tense
present participlefitting
past tensefitted or fit
past participlefitted or fit
  1. 1
    [I] [never progressive] if someone or something fits somewhere, they are small enough or the right size and shape to go there (大小或形状)适合,合适

    I don't think that box will fit. 我认为那个盒子不合适。

    fit in/into/on etc :

    The book is small enough to fit in your pocket. 这本书够小,适合放入衣袋。

    I redesigned the chart so that it fitted onto one page. 我重新设计了表格以便它能放在一页纸上。

    The cover fits neatly over the pipe. 盖子盖在管子上正合适。

    Can we all fit around the table? 我们全部围着桌子的话坐得下吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Relevant and appropriate: relevant, appropriate, applicable...
    1. a.
      [T] [never progressive] if you can fit a person or thing somewhere, there is enough space for you to put them there 放到

      I couldn't fit my head through the gap. 我的头无法钻过这个缺口。

      fit something into/onto/over something :

      She can fit two more people into her car. 她的汽车还可以再坐两个人。

       Synonyms and related words
      To contain something: include, contents, contain...
  2. 2
    [I/T] [never progressive] if clothes fit, they are the right size for you (衣服)合身

    It is important that children's shoes fit correctly. 孩子们的鞋正合脚是很重要的。

    I like the suit, but the jacket doesn't fit me. 我喜欢这套衣服,但上衣不合身。

    fit (someone) like a glove (=fit extremely well) 非常合身 :

    The dress fitted her like a glove. 这件衣服她穿非常合身。

     Synonyms and related words
    What clothing and cloth can do: bag, breathe, bunch...
  3. 3
    [I] [never progressive] to be suitable or similar enough to belong to a group 相称;类似;属于
    fit into :

    His writing did not fit into any traditional literary category. 他的作品不属于任何传统的文学范畴。

    fit with :

    Their policies do not fit with the ideal of democratic government. 他们的政策与民主政府的理想不相称。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] to put something in a particular place or group because it belongs there 把…放到(或归入)
      fit something into/with something :

      You can't fit all types of human behaviour into a clear pattern. 你不可能把所有的人类行为都归入一个明晰的模式。

       Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I/T] [never progressive] to be the truth, or to be the same as what someone describes or asks for 符合(事实、描述或要求)

    Something in her story did not fit. 她的说法中有些不符合事实。

    None of the candidates fits our criteria. 这些候选人没有一个符合我们的标准。

    fit the description of :

    He fits the description of a man seen running away from the scene. 他符合对被看见从现场逃跑的那个人的描述。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [I/T] [never progressive] to be suitable or right for something 适合;与…协调

    We need a name that fits our image. 我们需要一个适合我们形象的名称。

    fit with :

    A dark wooden table wouldn't fit with the decoration in here. 深色木桌与这里的装饰不协调。

     Synonyms and related words
  6. 6
    [T] [usually passive] to measure a person and then provide the correct size of clothing or piece of equipment 给…提供(合身的衣服);为…配备

    When you buy a new suit, you should be professionally fitted. 你买新套装的时候,应该请专业人员为你量一下尺寸。

    fit someone for something :

    I'm taking the children to be fitted for new shoes. 我带孩子们去试新鞋。

    fit someone with something :

    Mr Clayton was fitted with a hearing aid. 给克莱顿先生配了助听器。

    have something fitted :

    She's had a brace fitted (=to make her teeth straight). 她配了一个牙齿矫正器。

     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
    To measure something: measure, weigh, pace out...
  7. 7
    [T] [usually passive] to add a piece of equipment to something else 给…安装(设备)

    We were advised to fit a burglar alarm. 有人建议我们安装防盗报警器。

    fit something with something :

    Some cars are fitted with hand controls for people with physical disabilities. 有些汽车装有供残疾人使用的手动控制器。

    fit something to/onto something :

    You can fit a bike rack to the rear of your car. 你可以在汽车后面装上一个自行车架。

     Synonyms and related words
  8. 8
    [T] British formal to provide someone with the qualifications or qualities that they need for a job or a particular purpose 使合格;使胜任
    fit someone/something for something :

    Everything in his background fitted him for a diplomatic career. 他的背景使他完全胜任外交工作。

     Synonyms and related words
    To teach someone something: upskill, teach, train...


adjective /fɪt/
  1. 1
    healthy, strong, and able to do physical exercise without getting very tired 健康的;强健的

    Running around after the kids keeps me fit. 追着孩子们到处跑使我保持健康。

    fit for :

    McCarthy hopes to be fit for the match on Saturday. 麦卡锡希望能保持身体强健以参加星期六的比赛。

    fit to do something :

    You have to be reasonably fit to do this job. 你的身体得足够健壮才能胜任这份工作。

    get fit :

    I need to get fit before the football season starts. 我得在足球赛季开始以前恢复健康。

     Synonyms and related words
    See also fiddle , keep fit
  2. 2
    in a good enough physical or mental condition 健康的;健全的
    fit to do something :

    The accused was declared fit to stand trial. 被告被宣布其健康状况可以接受审讯。

    not in a fit state/in no fit state :

    You are in no fit state to drive. 你的健康状况不适合开车。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    of a good enough standard for someone or something 适合的;胜任的;相称的
    fit for :

    He seems to think that typing documents is all I'm fit for. 他似乎认为打印文件便是我所适合的全部工作。

    The house was not fit for human habitation. 这房子不适合住人。

    fit to do something :

    He is not fit to be a teacher. 他不适合当教师。

    fit to eat/drink :

    That wine is not fit to drink. 那种葡萄酒不宜饮用。

    fit for a king/queen (=of very high quality) 适合国王/王后的;高档的 :

    She made me a dress fit for a queen. 她给我做了一件很高档的衣服。

     Synonyms and related words
    Satisfactory and good enough: satisfactory, adequate, fine...
  4. 4
    informal sexually attractive: used mainly by young people 性感的;有魅力的
     Synonyms and related words
    Words used mainly by young people: awesome, awesomesauce, bad...
     Synonyms and related words
    Sexually attractive: sexy, desirable, seductive...
  5. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary
    fighting fit extremely ​healthy

    At 73, she's still fighting fit, ​walking five ​miles a ​day.

    Submitted by Taibouni mahmoud from Algeria on 08/03/2016
noun /fɪt/
  1. 1
    [C] a strong sudden physical reaction you cannot control, for example coughing or laughing (如咳嗽、大笑等的)突发,发作
    fits of laughter :

    Everyone collapsed in fits of laughter. 大家爆发出阵阵大笑。

    a fit of the giggles :

    Julie suddenly got a fit of the giggles. 朱莉突然格格地笑了起来。

    a coughing/sneezing fit :

    When his sneezing fit was over, Milton resumed lecturing. 喷嚏打完之后,米尔顿接着讲课。

     Synonyms and related words
    To move the body in an uncontrolled way: contort, contortion, convulse...
    1. a.
      a sudden strong emotion that you cannot control (感情的)突发,阵发,发作
      a fit of rage/jealousy/panic :

      She smashed the plate in a fit of rage. 她狂怒之下摔碎了盘子。

      fit of depression :

      He often suffers from fits of depression. 他经常饱受抑郁症发作的痛苦。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [C] informal an occasion when someone becomes unconscious for a short time and their body shakes 昏厥;痉挛
    have/suffer a fit :

    She has epilepsy and suffers frequent fits. 她患有癫痫症,经常昏厥。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [singular] used for saying whether something is the right size and shape for someone or something (大小、形状)合适的东西

    When buying a rucksack, it is important to get a good fit. 买帆布背包时,重要的是要买到合适的。

    You can adjust the width of the boot to get a better fit. 你可以调整靴子的宽度使其更合脚。

    a tight fit :

    The sofa will go in here but it's a tight fit. 沙发将摆在这里,不过会摆得很紧。

     Synonyms and related words
    Relevant and appropriate: relevant, appropriate, applicable...
abbreviation /ˌef aɪ ˈtiː/


1way sth fits/way two things match適合;匹配ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexcellent, good, nice非常合適;很合適;很匹配We need to achieve the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.我們需要在用人上實現供需兩方面的最佳吻合。correct, exact, ideal, perfect, proper, right正好合適;完全合適;十分合適bad, poor不合適The door was a poor fit and didn't open properly.這道門和門框尺寸不合,不好打開。close, snug, tight緊身;完全匹配;嚴密扣合loose有點兒鬆comfortable合身舒適The sweater is a comfortable fit-not too tight and not too loose.這件毛衣不鬆不緊,非常合身。natural天作之合custom (especially NAmE) 均碼The cap is made of 92% polyester with 8% Spandex for a custom fit.這種帽子是由 92% 的聚酯纖維和 8% 的氨綸做的,以便做到均碼。VERB + FITachieve, get, produce達到匹配;變得合適;使之適合File away any excess metal until a snug fit is achieved.銼平多餘的金屬直到完全吻合。ensure保證適合The shoe has a special strap to ensure a good fit.為了保證合腳,這種鞋特別配有一個搭扣。PREPOSITIONfit between⋯之間的相配a good fit between the recruit and the job新雇員和工作之間很好的匹配PHRASESa lack of fit不匹配He argues that there is a lack of fit between our system of values and capitalism.他認為我們的價值體系和資本主義不相稱。


2sudden attack of illness突然發病ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIT | FIT + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEconvulsive, epileptic, fainting一陣驚厥;癲癇發作;突然昏厥VERB + FIThave, suffer疾病突然發作She suffered a major fit last year.她去年生了一場大病。suffer from突然發病He suffers from fits of depression.他時不時出現抑鬱。bring on, cause, trigger引致/引起/導致病發作He suffers from a brain disorder that can trigger convulsive fits.他患了腦疾,可能會引發驚厥。control控制病發new drugs that can control fits可以控制疾病發作的新藥prevent預防病發FIT + VERBhappen, occur疾病發作The fits usually occur at night.這種病一般在晚上發作。PREPOSITIONduring a fit發病期間She hurt her arm during one of her fits.她在一次發病時弄傷了胳膊。


3short period of coughing/laughter/strong feeling發作;衝動ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIT | FIT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcoughing, sneezing一陣咳嗽;一陣噴嚏crying, giggling, laughing, screaming一陣大哭/傻笑/大笑/尖叫hysterical一陣歇斯底里sudden突然發作In a sudden fit of anger, he snatched the book from her hand.他一怒之下搶走了她手中的書。uncontrollable難以控制的衝動He burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.他突然難以自已地大笑起來。major強烈的衝動VERB + FIThave, pitch, throw發脾氣My dad will throw a major fit if he finds out!如果爸爸發現了,他會大發脾氣的!burst into, collapse in, collapse into, erupt in, erupt into, fall into突然爆發;堅持不住而爆發She collapsed in a fit of laughter.她笑得直不起腰。bring on引起一陣⋯The cold air brought on one of his coughing fits.冷風吹來,他又咳嗽了一陣。FIT + VERBbe over, pass一陣⋯之後;衝動過去When her coughing fit was over she continued to speak.她咳嗽了一陣後繼續講話。PREPOSITIONin a fit of一陣⋯之下He pushed the referee in a fit of temper.他一氣之下推了裁判員。fit of一陣⋯a fit of anger / giggles一陣氣憤/傻笑PHRASESin fits, in fits of laughter一陣陣大笑The comedian had them all in fits of laughter.喜劇演員把他們所有人逗得一陣陣大笑。


1right size/type尺寸正確;類型匹配ADVERB | VERB + FIT | PREPOSITION ADVERBclosely, neatly, nicely, securely, snugly, tightly, well絲絲合扣;扣合得很規整;完全合適;合扣而結實;嚴絲合縫;扣合密實;非常合適The pencils fit neatly into this box.鉛筆放進這個盒子正合適。loosely尺寸大exactly, perfectly完全合適The screws fit the holes exactly.這些螺絲剛好能擰進這些孔。properly正合適The shoes don't fit properly.這鞋不合腳。badly, poorly不合適If the top of the box fits badly, the contents will spill out.如果盒蓋蓋不嚴,裏面的東西就會灑落出來。barely, hardly幾乎不相配jeans which barely fit his stout body幾乎容不下他胖大身軀的牛仔褲easily易配That chair should fit into the room easily.那把椅子應該容易和房間相配。comfortably合適而舒坦PDAs are designed to fit comfortably in a jacket pocket.個人數字助理設計得正好裝進夾克的口袋中。together配在一起These two pieces of wood fit together to make the base.這兩塊木頭並在一起作底墊。VERB + FITbe designed to設計適合The waste unit is designed to fit under the sink.垃圾處理裝置按設計應安裝在水槽下。PREPOSITIONin, into, onto, over, under, etc.能放到⋯裏面、上面、下面等Will this box fit into the cupboard?這個箱子能放進壁櫥裏嗎?


2agree/match; make sth suitable相配;使合適ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBperfectly非常一致seamlessly配合得天衣無縫The haunting melody fits seamlessly within the song.這縈繞心頭的旋律與歌曲配合得天衣無縫。PREPOSITIONfor (especially BrE) 符合Your experience fits you perfectly for the job.你的經驗非常適合這項工作。with與⋯相配The words fit perfectly with the music.歌詞與音樂非常相配。


1healthy健康VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel, look, seem健康;感覺身體好;看上去健康;好像健康become, get變得健康the struggle to get fit and stay fit使身體變得健康並加以保持的努力keep, stay保持健康Go for a little jog to keep fit.慢跑一會兒以保持身體健康。make sb使某人健康Exercising once a week is not enough to make you fit.要想身體健康,每週鍛煉一次還不夠。keep sb使某人保持健康gentle exercises designed to keep you fit為使你保持身體健康而設計的舒緩運動ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常健康fighting (especially BrE) 身強體壯He seemed fighting fit and ready for action.他看起來身體很棒,已經準備好行動了。fully (BrE) 完全恢復健康John isn't fully fit yet after his operation.約翰手術後還沒完全恢復健康。physically身體健康She felt physically fitter and more alive than she could ever remember.她覺得以前身體從沒有那樣健康,那樣充滿活力。PREPOSITIONfor (BrE) 身體狀況適合⋯The doctor said she was now fit for work.醫生說她現在已經很健康,可以工作了。PHRASESas fit as a fiddle (= very healthy) 非常健康fit and healthy, fit and well (especially BrE) 身體很棒She looks really fit and healthy.她看起來真的很健康。fit and ready狀態很好,一切就緒lean and fit瘦而健康的


2suitable合適VERBS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSconsider sth, see, think認為⋯合適;知道合適The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.報社認為刊登我的信件不合適。You must do as you think fit.你覺得怎麼合適就怎麼做吧。PREPOSITIONfor適合The food was not fit for human consumption.那種食物不適於人食用。PHRASESfit and proper (law法律, especially BrE) 適當circumstances in which someone is not considered a fit and proper person to run a bank某人被認為不適合開辦銀行的情況fit for a king質量一流It was a meal fit for a king.這飯菜算得上御膳了。in no fit state狀態不適合He's so angry he's in no fit state to see anyone.他正在氣頭上,現在不適合見人。
fit adj.
good2 (in no fit state) well (fit and healthy) keep fit train verb2
fit verb
equip2 (be well fitted to a particular role) match1 (Do the facts fit the theory?)
fit noun

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