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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
go by
phrasal verb
present tense
I/you/we/theygo by
he/she/itgoes by
present participlegoing by
past tensewent by
past participlegone by
  1. 1
    [I] if time goes by, it passes (时间)流逝

    Last month went by so fast. 上个月过得太快了。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [T] [go by something] to accept what someone or something says when you are deciding what to do or think 根据…所说;根据…决定

    Going by what Tim said, we should be there by mid-afternoon. 根据蒂姆所说,我们应该在下午3点左右到那里。

    go by the book (=obey rules without considering whether they are right) 照章办事 :

    Police officers protect themselves from criticism by going by the book. 警察们照章办事以保护自己不受批评。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      [T] [go by something] to base an opinion on something 根据…判断
      go by appearances :

      It's never very wise to go by appearances. 以貌取人向来都不是很明智。

       Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] [go by something] to use a particular name for yourself that is not your real name 称作(通常不是原名)

    When I knew her, she used to go by the name of Ricki. 我认识她的时候,她被叫做里基。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [I/T] [go by something] to move past a place or stop there for a short time during a journey 路过

    I went by the post office on the way home. 在回家的路上我顺便去了邮局。

     Synonyms and related words
See also main entry: go

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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