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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 1285 COCA: 951
noun /ˈpɒlətɪks/
  1. 1
    [U] the ideas and activities involved in getting power in a country or over a particular area of the world (國家或特定地區的)政治

    Many people feel that their interests are not represented by mainstream politics. 許多人覺得他們的利益沒有在主流政治中得到體現。

    Let's not talk about politics now. 我們現在就不要談論政治了。

    She's heavily involved in local politics. 她大量涉足地方政治。

  2. 2
    [U] the profession of being a politician 政治事業;政治職業
    go into/enter politics :

    He entered politics at the age of 21. 他21歲進入政界。

  3. 3
    [U] the ideas and activities used by people within a particular group to try to get power (某群體内部爲獲得權力的)勾心鬥角,權術

    Now that I'm self-employed, I don't have to worry about office politics. 我現在單幹了,就不用爲辦公室裏的勾心鬥角發愁了。

  4. 4
    [plural] your politics are your beliefs and attitudes about how government should work 政治主張;政治信念

    Her politics became more conservative as she grew older. 随着年齡的增長,她的政治信念日趨保守。

     Synonyms and related words
    Theories and sets of beliefs: theory, culture, philosophy...
  5. 5
    [U] the study of how people gain and use political power 政治學

    a degree in politics 政治學學位

     Synonyms and related words
    Specific areas of study: acoustics, aesthetics, agriculture...
  6. 6
    [U] the use by someone of particular ideas to try to get what they want 手腕(或策略)的運用
    politics of :

    The party is trying to exploit the politics of class envy. 該黨正試圖利用階級相爭的策略。

     Synonyms and related words
TOEFL BNC: 1285 COCA: 951


ADJECTIVE | VERB + POLITICS | POLITICS + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdomestic, internal國內/內部政治the country's internal politics國家的內政the internal politics of the legal profession法律界內部的鈎心鬥角county, local, national, regional縣政治;地方政治;國家政治;區域政治She was active in local politics for many years.她多年活躍於地方政壇。global, international, world全球/國際/世界政治democratic, electoral, multiparty, parliamentary, party民主/選舉/多黨/議會/政黨政治presidential總統政治contemporary, modern當代/現代政治mainstream主流政治conservative, extreme, left-wing, liberal, progressive, radical, right-wing, etc.保守、極端、左翼、自由、革新、激進、右翼等政治His manners were as mild as his politics were extreme.他舉止溫和,但政治上極端。personal個人政治My personal politics are pretty simple.我個人的政治主張很簡單。practical可具體實施的事He argued that it was not practical politics to abolish private schools.他爭辯說取消私立學校根本就不可行。power強權政治They took the view that Casper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake.他們認為卡斯珀在玩強權政治,用他們的職位作賭注。consensus共識政治Consensus politics places a high value on existing political institutions.共識政治強調現存政治機構的重要性。partisan (disapproving, especially NAmE) 黨派政治The Democrats are simply engaging in partisan politics.民主黨只是搞黨派政治。dirty卑劣的權術He used dirty politics to trash his opponent's record.他用卑劣的政治手段詆譭他對手的履歷。conviction (especially BrE) 信念政治identity身分政治multiculturalism and the rise of identity politics多元文化和身分政治的興起nationalist, sectarian民族主義/宗派主義政治cultural, environmental, feminist, gay, gender, racial, sexual, working-class文化/環境/女權主義/同性戀/性別/種族/兩性/工薪階層政治office辦公室政治I don't want to get involved in office politics.我不想捲入辦公室政治。VERB + POLITICSenter, go into從政They went into politics in the hope of changing society.他們懷着改變社會的希望從政。abandon, retire from棄政;退出政界He abandoned politics and went into business.他棄政從商了。be interested in, follow對政治感興趣;關注政治I have always followed politics closely.我一直都密切關注政局。understand懂政治I don't understand the politics of it all.我不明白其中的政治手腕。be active in, be engaged in, be immersed in, be involved in, engage in, participate in活躍於政界;潛心於政治;從政become active in, get immersed in, get involved in變得活躍於政界;沉浸在政壇;參與政治dabble in, play (informal) 涉足政界;玩弄權術get embroiled in置身於政治鬥爭中discuss, talk (informal) , talk about商討政治;談論政治Let's not talk politics now.現在我們不要談論政治吧。dabble in, interfere in, intervene in, meddle in (especially BrE) 涉足/幹涉/幹預/插手政治As a churchman, he was accused of interfering in politics.他被指控身為神職人員幹預政治。dominate主宰政治the issues which have dominated Irish politics左右愛爾蘭政局的問題influence, reshape, shape影響/重塑/塑造政治reforms that are intended to reshape Italian politics意在重塑意大利政治的改革POLITICS + VERBdominate sth, drive sth, motivate sth政治主宰⋯/驅使⋯/激勵⋯In their world politics dominates everything.在他們的世界裏,政治主宰一切。The legislation has been driven by populist politics.立法已由民粹主義政治所驅使。affect sth政治影響⋯surround sth政治圍繞⋯the politics surrounding reproduction and fertility圍繞繁殖和生育的政治play a role政治發揮作用the role politics played in daily life政治在日常生活中發揮的作用PHRASESsb's involvement in politics, sb's participation in politics某人的政治參與the world of politics政界
TOEFL BNC: 1285 COCA: 951

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