a novel full of humor 妙趣橫生的小說
They laughed at things she didn't see the humor in. 他們對那些她不覺得好笑的事哈哈大笑。
He made a hopeless attempt at humor. 他試圖說些好笑的事,但根本無濟於事。
His colleagues remember him for his humor and his loyalty. 同事們忘不了他的幽默和忠誠。
Lynne is a friendly person with a great sense of humor. 琳恩對人友善,富有幽默感。
Fred's comments did nothing to improve Jo's humor. 弗雷德的評論未能改善喬的心情。
He laughed again, obviously in a good humor. 他又笑了,顯然心情很好。
present tense | |
I/you/we/they | humor |
he/she/it | humors |
present participle | humoring |
past tense | humored |
past participle | humored |
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net