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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 49143 COCA: 3057
the American spelling of humour 單詞 humour 的美式拼法
 Synonyms and related words
noun [U] /ˈhjumər/
  1. 1
    the quality that makes something funny 幽默;滑稽

    a novel full of humor 妙趣橫生的小說

    not see the humor in something (=not think something is funny) 不覺得某事好笑 :

    They laughed at things she didn't see the humor in. 他們對那些她不覺得好笑的事哈哈大笑。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      funny things that people say and do 令人發笑的事

      He made a hopeless attempt at humor. 他試圖說些好笑的事,但根本無濟於事。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      the ability to know when something is funny and to laugh at funny situations 幽默感;感受幽默的能力

      His colleagues remember him for his humor and his loyalty. 同事們忘不了他的幽默和忠誠。

      sense of humor :

      Lynne is a friendly person with a great sense of humor. 琳恩對人友善,富有幽默感。

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    formal someone's mood 心情;心境;情緒

    Fred's comments did nothing to improve Jo's humor. 弗雷德的評論未能改善喬的心情。

    in a good/bad humor :

    He laughed again, obviously in a good humor. 他又笑了,顯然心情很好。

     Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ˈhjumər/
present tense
present participlehumoring
past tensehumored
past participlehumored
  1. to do what someone wants or pretend to agree with them so they do not become angry or upset 遷就;迎合
     Synonyms and related words
    To decide or agree to do something: agree, undertake, accept...

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