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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 178 COCA: 213
verb /həʊld/
present tense
present participleholding
past tenseheld
past participleheld
  1. 1
    [T] to carry something using your hands or arms 握着;拿着

    Can you hold my bag for a moment? 你能帮我拿一会儿手提包吗?

    hold something in/under/between something :

    He held the book in his hand. 他手里拿着书。

    She was holding the catalogue under her arm. 她把目录夹在腋下。

    Barry was holding a coin between his finger and thumb. 巴里用食指和拇指捏着一枚硬币。

     Synonyms and related words
    To carry something or someone: carry, hold, bring...
    1. a.
      to carry something using another part of your body (用身体的其他部位)支承,托住

      He held the sandwich between his teeth. 他咬住三明治。

       Synonyms and related words
      To carry something or someone: carry, hold, bring...
    2. b.
      to carry another person

      She was holding a baby in her arms. 她抱着婴儿。

       Synonyms and related words
      To carry something or someone: carry, hold, bring...
  2. 2
    [T] to support someone or something, or to stop them moving 支撑;按住;使不动

    Can you hold this parcel for me so I can tape it up? 你能帮我压住包裹让我捆扎一下吗?

    He was held by a single rope. 一条绳子就把他给捆住了。

    hold something steady :

    We had to hold our cups steady as the boat rocked. 由于船在摇晃,我们不得不拿稳杯子。

    hold something shut/still/apart etc :

    Hold the torch still. 把手电筒拿稳,不要动。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] to put a part of your body into a particular position 使(身体部位)处于某种姿势

    She was holding her hand to her heart. 她用手捂着胸口。

    Ruth held her head in her hands. 露丝双手抱着头。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to put your arms around someone because you love them or because they are unhappy 搂;抱

    He sat beside her and held her. 他坐在她身旁搂着她。

    hold someone tight/close :

    She kissed him and held him tight. 她亲吻他并紧紧地抱着他。

     Synonyms and related words
  5. 5
    [T] to have something inside 容纳

    The corner cupboard holds a TV and CD player. 这个角柜里有一台电视和一台激光唱机。

     Synonyms and related words
    To contain something: include, contents, contain...
  6. 6
    [T] to be able to fit an amount of something inside 可容纳

    How much does this jug hold? 这个壶容量有多大?

    The stadium holds 80,000 people. 这个体育场能容纳80,000人。

     Synonyms and related words
    To contain something: include, contents, contain...
  7. 7
    [T] if you hold a meeting or event, you organize it 组织;召集

    The government agreed to hold a referendum. 政府同意进行一次全民公决。

     Synonyms and related words
    To organize an event: organize, prepare, plan...
    1. a.
      [often passive] if a meeting or event is held in a particular place or at a particular time, it takes place there at that time (在某地或某时)召开,举行

      The presidential election was held on April 26. 总统选举在4月26日举行。

       Synonyms and related words
      To organize an event: organize, prepare, plan...
  8. 8
    [T] to have something, for example a job 拥有,担任(职务等)

    She is the first woman to hold this post. 她是第一个担任这一职务的女性。

    He held a position of trust and responsibility. 他担任了一个责任重大的职务。

    hold office :

    President Mitterrand held office for 14 years. 密特朗总统当政14年。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to have an opinion about something 对(某事物)持有某种看法

      She certainly holds some interesting views. 她无疑持有一些很有意思的观点。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      formal to own money or property 拥有(金钱或财产)

      Three per cent of our shares are now held by US investors. 现在我们有3%的股票在美国投资者的手中。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      formal to have a document that allows you to do something 持有

      He holds a US passport. 他持有美国护照。

       Synonyms and related words
  9. 9
    [T] formal to have a particular quality 具有(某种特性)

    The project holds a great deal of promise. 这一项目前景一片光明。

    He holds no authority over us. 他无权管我们。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      used for talking about the feelings that something makes you have. For example, if something holds no fear for you, you are not afraid of it 使具有(某种感觉)

      Food still held no appeal. 食物仍不具有吸引力。

      Water seems to hold a fascination for him. 水似乎对他具有极大的吸引力。

       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.
      literary if your face or voice holds a particular emotion, it shows it (脸部或声音)流露出(某种感情)

      His eyes held a look of desperation. 他的眼里流露出绝望的神色。

       Synonyms and related words
      To show or express emotions: show, display, manifest...
  10. 10
    [T] to keep information, for example on a computer 保存(如在计算机中)

    I wanted to see what information the police held on me. 我想看看警方收集了我的哪些资料。

     Synonyms and related words
  11. 11
    [T] [often passive] to keep someone somewhere as a prisoner 拘留

    They were arrested and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. 他们被依照反恐条例逮捕并拘留。

    hold someone at gunpoint :

    The family were held at gunpoint overnight. 这一家人整夜都处于枪口的威逼之下。

    hold someone prisoner/hostage/captive :

    The four men had been held captive for over two years. 这4个人被关押了两年多。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      to stop a train, plane etc from leaving at the right time, so that someone who is late can get on it (火车)延迟离站;(飞机)推迟起飞
       Synonyms and related words
    2. b.



      hold on to

      to stop someone from leaving or from doing what they want 管住;约束住

      It seemed that no man could hold her for long. 似乎没有男人能长久地留住她。

       Synonyms and related words
      To stop someone doing something: stop, prevent, check...
  12. 12
    [T] to not give something that someone wants to another person 保留
    hold a table/reservation/room/seat :

    They said they'd hold the reservation for 24 hours. 他们说预订会保留24小时。

     Synonyms and related words
  13. 13
    [T] to continue to have a particular feeling, especially a bad one 持续怀有(某种感情,尤指坏的感情)

    I no longer hold any resentment towards him. 我不再恨他了。

    hold a grudge :

    He's not someone who holds a grudge. 他不是一个爱记恨的人。

     Synonyms and related words
    To feel an emotion: feel, experience, give up to...
  14. 14
    [T] to keep an idea or picture in your mind (头脑中)保持(想法或形象)

    I tried to hold his image in my mind as I walked away. 我走时试图在脑海里记住他的形象。

     Synonyms and related words
    To remember: remember, recall, think back...
  15. 15
    [I] to continue to support a weight without breaking or being damaged 顶住;支撑住

    I don't know if the walls will hold. 我不知道这些墙能否顶得住。

     Synonyms and related words
    To carry something or someone: carry, hold, bring...
    1. a.
      [I/T] to stay or keep something at a particular level 保持(在某种水平)

      The price has been held at £2, the same as last year. 价格跟去年一样,始终保持在2英镑。

      hold steady :

      The coffee market has held steady for a few months. 咖啡市场几个月来一直保持平稳。

       Synonyms and related words
      To remain the same, or to keep something the same: maintain, withstand, stabilize...
    2. b.
      [I] if a promise or offer holds, it still exists (许诺或提议)有效,适用

      They were pessimistic about the ceasefire holding until the spring. 他们对停火持续到春季感到悲观。

      We need to find out if his offer still holds. 我们得查明他的报价是否仍然有效。

       Synonyms and related words
    3. c.
      [I] if your luck or the weather holds, it continues to be good 继续交好运;(天气)保持晴好
       Synonyms and related words
      To remain the same, or to keep something the same: maintain, withstand, stabilize...
    4. d.
      [I/T] to stay in the same position, for example when you are exercising 保持(某种姿势)

      Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. 保持这种姿势几秒钟,然后放松。

       Synonyms and related words
    5. e.
      [T] to continue to play or sing a note without stopping 延长(音符);继续演奏(或唱)(某音符)

      Hold that last note for a count of four. 把最后那个音保持四拍。

       Synonyms and related words
      To sing: sing, sing along, croon...
  16. 16
    [T] used for saying what people believe 认为
    hold (that) :

    Conventional wisdom held that he would resign. 人们依常识推断他会辞职。

    One school of thought holds that very few people reach their full potential. 有一种思想流派认为,几乎没有人能充分发挥自己的潜能。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      formal if a court or judge holds that something is true, the court or judge says that it is true (法院或法官)裁定
      hold (that) :

      The court held that the defendants were guilty of trespass. 法院裁定,被告犯有非法侵入罪。

      be held to be something :

      The clause was held to be unreasonable. 这项条款被裁定是不合理的。

      be held to have done something :

      The plaintiff was held to have acted reasonably. 人们认为原告的做法合情合理。

       Synonyms and related words
      Appearing in court: affirm, allow, all rise...
  17. 17
    [I/T] to wait in order to speak to someone on the telephone. You can also say that you hold the line 不挂断电话

    ‘Do you want to call back later?' ‘No, I'll hold.' “你要一会儿再打过来吗?”“不,我等着。”

    Can you hold the line, please? 请你不要挂断电话好吗?

     Synonyms and related words
    Using a telephone: answer, busy, call...
  18. 18
    [T] to succeed in keeping control of a particular area in an election (竞选中)保住

    The seat was held by Labour with a reduced majority. 工党保住了席位,但在得票数上的优势有所减少。

     Synonyms and related words
    1. a.
      if an army holds an area, it has control of it and stops the enemy from getting control of it (军队)据守
       Synonyms and related words
      Invading and taking control by force: invade, occupy, suppress...
See also
noun /həʊld/
  1. 1
    [singular] the fact that you are holding someone or something 拿;握;抓

    The boat turned over and she lost her hold. 船翻了,她抓空了。

    hold on :

    His hold on her arm tightened. 他把她的手臂抓得更紧了。

     Synonyms and related words
  2. 2
    [C] a way of holding someone, for example in a sport 擒拿法(如在体育运动中)

    a wrestling hold 摔跤擒拿法

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [singular] the power or control that someone has over a situation or area (对局势或某地区的)控制(权)
    hold on/over :

    Their forces had consolidated their hold on the area. 他们的武装力量巩固了对该地区的控制权。

     Synonyms and related words
    Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...
    1. a.
      power that you have over someone, especially because of something that you know about them (尤因知晓其某事,对某人的)影响力

      How is it he's got such a strong hold over you? 他对你怎么有这么强的影响力?

       Synonyms and related words
      Power, authority, influence and leadership: leadership, power, authority...
  4. 4
    [C] the area in a plane or ship that is used for goods, vehicles, or bags (飞机或船上货物、车辆或包的)存放处
     Synonyms and related words
    Parts of boats and ships: aft, amidships, bay...
     Synonyms and related words
    Parts of aircraft: aerofoil, aft, aileron...
  5. 5
    [C] a place where you put your foot or hand so that you do not fall, for example when you are climbing 供手攀(或脚踩)的地方;支撑点
     Synonyms and related words
    Mountaineering, rock climbing and caving: abseil, abseiling, ascend...
  6. 6
    [singular] the fact that someone manages to continue doing or having something 坚持;继续拥有
    hold on :

    The nurses were amazed at her tenacious hold on life. 她如此顽强地活了下来,使护士们很惊讶。

    new threats to his hold on power 对于他继续掌权的新威胁

     Synonyms and related words
    Permanence and continuity: permanence, continuity, survival...
IELTS BNC: 178 COCA: 213


1act/way of holding sth緊握ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOLD | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfirm, tight牢牢的抓住He still had me in a tight hold.他仍然緊緊地抓着我。VERB + HOLDcatch, get, grab, grasp, seize, take抓住;握住Take hold of the handle and give it a hard pull.握住把手,用力拉。have, keep握着He kept a firm hold on my hand.他緊緊握着我的手。lose鬆開He lost his hold on the rock and was swept away by the tide.他沒有抓牢岩石,被潮水捲走了。tighten握緊loosen, relax, release鬆手;放手;撒手She finally released her hold on me.她總算撒手放開了我。PREPOSITIONhold on抓住⋯He tightened his hold on her.他把她抓得更緊了。


2influence/control over sb影響;控制ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOLD | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfirm, powerful, secure, strong, tight強有力的影響;緊緊的控制He still has a firm hold on the party.他仍然牢牢地控制着該黨。fragile, precarious, tenuous, weak微弱的影響;無力的掌控Her hold on power was now quite tenuous.她不再能牢牢掌握手中的權力。VERB + HOLDhave掌控maintain保持掌控lose失控The allies lost their hold on the south of the country.盟軍喪失了對該國南部的控制。consolidate, increase, strengthen, tighten鞏固影響;收緊管制;加強控制Enemy forces have consolidated their hold on the northern province.敵軍已經鞏固了他們對那個省份北部的控制。break, loosen, weaken打破控制;削弱影響an attempt to break the hold of the Church衝破教會控制的嘗試PREPOSITIONhold on對⋯的控制This had weakened his hold on power.此舉削弱了他手中的權力。hold over對⋯的影響He no longer had any hold over her.他對她再也沒有什麼影響力了。


1in your hands/arms抓住;抱緊ADVERBfirmly, securely, tightly緊緊抓住carefully小心拿着gently, loosely輕輕握住


2opinion, etc.觀點ADVERBcommonly, widely通常/廣泛地認為⋯This view is not widely held.這種觀點沒有被廣泛接受。deeply, firmly, strongly堅信deeply held religious beliefs深深植根的宗教信仰privately, publicly個人/公眾認為⋯privately held views個人持有的想法
IELTS BNC: 178 COCA: 213
hold verb
hold (hold a box/baby) have1 (Employees hold 30% of the shares.) have4 (hold a meeting) jail (hold sb prisoner) keep3 (held on computer) reserve (hold a reservation) support2 (hold sb's weight) think (hold views)
hold noun
control (have a hold over sb) take (a) hold affect verb get hold of sth get1


hold ♦︎ hold on ♦︎ cling ♦︎ clutch ♦︎ grip ♦︎ grasp ♦︎ clasp ♦︎ handle ♦︎ hang onThese words all mean to have sb/sth in your hands or arms. 这些词均表示抓住、抱住。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hold / clutch / grip / clasp sth in your hand / hands / armsto hold / clutch / clasp sb / sth in your armsto hold / hold on to / cling to / clutch / grip / grasp / clasp / hang on to sb / sth by / with sthto hold / clutch / grip / grasp / clasp / hang on to sthto hold / cling / hang onto hold / clutch / clasp sth to youto hold / hold on to / cling on to / clutch / grip / grasp / clasp sb's handto hold / hold on to / cling to / clutch / grip / grasp / clasp / hang on to sb / sth tightlyto hold / hold on to / cling to / clutch / grip / grasp / clasp sb / sth firmlyto hold / hold on to / clutch / grip / clasp / hang on to sb / sth tight hold (held, held) [transitive] to have sb/sth in your hand or arms 抓住;抱住She was holding a large box.她抱着一个大盒子。The captain held the trophy in the air.队长把奖杯高高举起。I held the baby gently in my arms.我轻轻地抱着宝宝。The girl held her father's hand tightly.那女孩紧紧抓着她父亲的手。They walked along the street, holding hands.他们手拉手在街上走。He held her by the shoulders.他搂着她的双肩。The lovers held each other close.这对恋人紧紧相拥。 hold


[singular, uncountable] His hold on her arm tightened.他把她的胳膊抓得更紧了。She tried to keep hold of the child's hand.她用力抓住那孩子的手不放。
ˌhold ˈon ˌhold ˈonto sb/sth

phrasal verb

(held, held) [no passive] to continue to hold sb/sth; to put your hand on sb/sth and not take your hand away 抓紧;不放开Hold on and don't let go until I say so.抓住别放,等我让你松手再松开。It's very windy-you'd better hold on to your hat.风很大,你最好按住帽子。He held onto the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.他扶着椅子后背,以免摔倒。
cling (clung, clung) [intransitive] to hold on to sb/sth tightly, especially with your whole body (尤指全身)抱紧Survivors clung to pieces of floating debris.幸存者紧紧抱住漂在水面的残骸。Leaves still clung to the branches.叶子依然紧附在树枝上。Cling on tight!抱紧!They clung together, shivering with cold.他们紧紧抱在一起,冷得直发抖。 clutch [transitive, intransitive] to hold sb/sth tightly, especially in your hand; to take hold of sth suddenly 紧握;抓紧;突然抓住She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.她站在那儿,手里仍然紧握着那束花。He gasped, and clutched his stomach.他大口喘着气,紧紧按住自己的胃部。He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.他感觉自己正往下滑,急忙抓住一根树枝。 grip (-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] to hold on to sth very tightly with your hand 紧握;紧抓'Please don't go,' he said, gripping her arm.“求求你别走。”他紧紧抓住她的手臂说道。Grip the rope as tightly as you can.用尽全力握紧绳索。She gripped on to the railing with both hands.她双手紧紧抓住栏杆。 grip


[countable, usually singular] Keep a tight grip on the rope.紧紧抓住绳索别松开。The climber slipped and lost his grip.登山者滑了一下,手松开了。
grasp grɑːsp; NAmE græsp [transitive] to take hold of sth firmly 抓紧;抓牢He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.他热情地抓住我的手握了起来。Kay grasped him by the wrist.凯紧紧抓住他的手腕。He grasped the pan by its handle.他握紧锅柄。The object of grasp is often sb's hand or wrist. * grasp的宾语常常是某人的hand或wrist。 grasp


[countable, usually singular] I grabbed him, but he slipped from my grasp.我紧紧抓着他,可他还是从我手里溜掉了。
clasp klɑːsp; NAmE klæsp [transitive] (written) to hold sb/sth tightly in your hand or in your arms 握紧;攥紧;抱紧He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together.他俯身向前,双手十指紧扣。They clasped hands (= held each other's hands).他们紧握着对方的手。She clasped the children in her arms.她把那些孩子紧紧搂在怀里。He clasped her to him.他把她搂抱过来。The object of clasp is often your hands, sb else's hand or another person. * clasp的宾语常常是自己或他人的hand或另一个人。 clasp


[singular] He took her hand in his firm clasp.他紧紧地握着她的手。
handle [transitive] to touch, hold or move sth with your hands (用手)触,拿,搬动Our cat hates being handled.我们的猫不喜欢被人摆弄。The label on the box said: 'Fragile. Handle with care.'箱子上的标签写着:“易碎,小心轻放。” ˌhang ˈon

phrasal verb

(hung, hung) [no passive] to hold on to sth very tightly, especially in order to support yourself or stop yourself from falling 抓紧(尤指以防摔倒)Hang on tight. We're off!紧紧抓好了,我们出发了!I hung on to him for support.我紧紧抓着他以防摔倒。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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