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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 351 COCA: 397
verb /baɪ/
present tense
present participlebuying
past tensebought
past participlebought
  1. 1
    [I/T] to get something by paying money for it 買;購買

    I need to buy some new clothes. 我需要買一些新衣服。

    Now you can buy and sell shares on the Internet. 現在你可以在因特網上買賣股票。

    Tickets can be bought at the door. 可以在門口買票。

    A lot of people just come into the shop without buying. 許多人只是逛商店而不買東西。

    buy something from someone/something :

    I bought a ball from the toy shop. 我從玩具店買了個球。

    buy something off someone :

    I said I'd buy his bike off him. 我說我會買他的自行車。

    buy someone something :

    He's always buying me presents. 他總是給我買禮物。

    buy something for someone :

    Ed's parents bought that new computer for him. 埃德的父母給他買了那台新計算機。

    buy something for £50/£60 etc :

    They offered to buy the car for £1,000. 他們出價1,000英鎊買這輛車。

    buy (something) in bulk :

    This dog food is cheaper when you buy it in bulk. 這種狗糧大量購買時較便宜。

    buy something (by) mail order :

    We buy all our software by mail order. 我們所有的軟件都是郵購的。

     Synonyms and related words
    To buy something: buy, get, purchase...
    1. a.
      [T] if an amount of money buys something, it is large enough to pay for that thing 買得到;夠支付

      £5 million would buy you a nice house in central London. 500萬英鎊可以讓你在倫敦市中心買到一座漂亮的房子。

      the best education money can buy 錢可以買到的最好的教育

       Synonyms and related words
  2. 2



    buy off

    [T] [usually passive] informal to give someone something so that they will do something dishonest for you 收買

    It's nice to know that some people can't be bought. 很高興知道有些人不會被收買。

     Synonyms and related words
  3. 3
    [T] to get something that you want or need, usually by losing something else that is important (通常失去重要的東西來)獲得,換得
    buy something with something :

    attempts to buy peace with land 以土地換和平的嘗試

    buy something at the expense/cost of something :

    Increased profits would be bought at the expense of paying less attention to quality. 增加利潤是以不注重質量爲代價的。

     Synonyms and related words
  4. 4
    [T] to do something in order to get more time to do or finish something else 赢得,爭取(時間)

    That should buy us another week. 爲我們赢得又一個星期時間。

    buy time :

    These negotiations are all part of a plan to buy time to win more support. 這些談判是爭取時間以赢得更多支持的計劃的一部分。

     Synonyms and related words
    To make plans or arrangements: plan, arrange, organize...
  5. 5
    [T] spoken to believe or accept something, especially something that is unlikely to be true or reasonable 相信,接受(尤指不像是真的或不合理的事)

    ‘It's her birthday, but I told her I had to work late.' ‘She'll never buy that!' “這是她的生日,但我告訴過她我得工作到很晚。”“她永遠不會接受的。”

     Synonyms and related words
noun [C] /baɪ/
  1. something that you buy 買到的東西

    Look for our fantastic bargain buys in the January sale! 在1月份的大減價中來淘物超所值的便宜貨吧!

    a good/bad etc buy (=something that is worth/not worth the amount of money you paid for it) 買得合算/不合算等的東西 :

    That shirt was a really great buy. 那件襯衫確實買得非常合算。

     Synonyms and related words
    Things for sale and things bought: merch, product, goods...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 麥美倫詞典 📚 – macmillan.mister5️⃣.net
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